3 Promising Stay-at-Home Careers for Individuals Living with a Disability

Person Working from Home
Photo by Chris Spiegl on Unsplash

According to the U.S. Labor Statistics, around 2.8 million non-fatal workplace injuries occurred in the private industry in 2019. These unfortunate accidents are the primary reason why some of the population have been displaced out of their jobs. Disastrous events like manufacturing site accidents, unexpected office mishaps, and all sorts of muscle injuries made from lifting objects the wrong way can be great hazards not just for your health and wellness, but also for your livelihood.

If you’ve been involved with such unfortunate workplace accidents, it’s not too late to establish a new career. There are plenty of career paths that can be done within the comfort of your home. Here are some of the best careers you should consider to bolster your income, even if you’re forced to stay at home.

Start a Freelancing Career

Freelancing has been an underrated career path for many years now. However, many individuals have tried their luck with freelancing careers because of the recent coronavirus outbreak and ended up with a substantial income source even if they’re at home 24/7. Freelance jobs often involve blogging, copywriting, customer service, social media management, fitness training, tutorials, programming, and more. It’s quite understandable that venturing into a freelance career for the first time can be scary.

However, by following some important steps, you can start your at-home career in no time. All you need to do is find something you’re good at or something you want to be good at (e.g., writing about cars or talking to people). Master that skill, create a portfolio, and then market yourself to the world to get clients.

Establish a Small Business

Maybe you always wanted to start your own business, and now you have all the time in the world to do so. You don’t need to establish a huge company that will compete with the Fortune 500. Instead, aim to start with something small. Suppose you have been involved with construction site accidents and any similar incident. In that case, this is the best time to master the craft you’re good at and use it to earn money. Skills like woodworking and creating pieces of furniture, baking cakes, and sculpting clay to make mugs and figurines are promising business opportunities that can encourage investment return. Starting an at-home business in this day and age is especially exciting because, with the internet, you can start your website and create videos to garner potential paying customers.

Become a Writer

Imagine this: you’re in the comfort of your home, writing your thoughts about the things you love while sipping your favorite beverage. This kind of career is now a promising path to embark on, thanks to the internet’s vastness. Almost everyone on earth owns a smartphone, and they can read as many articles as they can at any time of the day. Becoming a writer is among the home careers you should pick up on, especially if you have a knack for expressing yourself thoroughly through the use of words.

Being involved in a workplace-related accident can be detrimental to one’s spirit. But with the right outlook in life, you can turn your mishaps into an opportunity, especially if you’re at home. Many career paths allow you to work inside your humble abode, and these choices can help you generate more income without the boundaries of living with a disability.

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