Shanna Miles: A Writer with a Strong Perspective and a Bold Streak

There is always something exciting about young adult fictions and fantasy novels that take our senses to a whole new world. The stories of elves, demonic battles, magic wardrobes, hobbits and witches – well who can resist himself from indulging in the beauty of this genre! Good fantasy stories need a creative vision that allows for impossible to occur and strong writing skills that keep readers bound to the tale. Shanna Miles is one such expert author and reviewer who primarily writes speculative fiction for young adults or teens. These are stories that can range from fantasy to science fiction and sometimes hover in between.

Miles’s latest work “Willow Born” is a young adult novel that is creating a great hype on the Internet these days. With hard copies of the book set to be released on June 1st, here comes a moment to learn more about this well-accomplished author – her inspiration, style and vision.

A Bit about Her Personal Life

Shanna Reed Miles is an expert author, reviewer and book lover currently living in Georgia with her 2 daughters, and educator husband. She works as a school librarian and fills her empty time writing and reading Young Adult novels. Her passion is Paranormal Romance, but she also has a keen interest in diverse Science Fiction like that of Octavia Butler and Sherri L. Sm.

A Bit about Her Career History

Shanna Miles recognized her passion for writing in college where she used the power of the pen to connect with people and share her perspective. She connects with people through her magical stories that reflect her amazing writing instincts and represent people of color in literature. Being an introvert, she always had an aversion to the crowd but the writing was what that she really enjoyed.

Prior to the latest iteration of her blog, she was a pharmaceutical marketing manager. Although it was a good-paying job, it wasn’t something that she really enjoyed. Shanna decided to return to school as a Librarian. There she began blogging about books again. Mile’s previous work “Hunting Grounds” is already a success and now she is set to release the hard copies of “Willow Born”.

Her Inspiration

As a school librarian, she sponsors a writing club. There, she realized that children of color- Blacks and Latinos – were writing stories with main characters with blonde hair, blue eyes and flushed cheeks. They never even considered writing themselves into their own stories. This heart-breaking realization inspired her to write for these children. Recognizing the absence of fantasy books with characters of color, she writes stories that fill these gaps. The wonderful latest edition by Shanna Miles “Willow Born” reflects the true colors of these kids, their experiences, dreams, and fantasies.

Shanna Miles Latest Work – “Willow Born

Willow Born” is Shanna Miles latest work in fantasy fiction genre. It is a 77,000-word Southern Gothic Paranormal Young Adult novel in the teenage realm that beautifully combines supernatural drama, romance and mystery. “Willow Born” is a unique story that underlines the strength, resilience and joy of black girlhood. It is a perfect blend of Black culture, Southern sensibility and fantasy.

Her Achievements

Shanna Miles is a well-acclaimed book reviewer, author and blogger. Her previous work “Hunting Grounds” is already an applauded short story. However, according to Miles, her biggest business achievement is really just making the decision to start.

Shanna Miles Outlook for the Future

Shanna Miles is a big twitter user (@Srmilesauthor). She uses this platform to connect with people, share her ideas and promote her works. She also uses Instagram and Facebook as extensions of her brand.

Shanna Miles looks forward to having a bright and successful writing career. In the coming three years, she sees herself signing books for kids, speaking on panels and engaging readers and writers on her blog She is well on her way to achieve her dream of becoming a New York Times bestseller.

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