Empowering Your Mind and Reasoning with Premise Based Implicative Truth Synthesis

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This article is a sequel to my three previously published articles in Home Business Magazine: “Novel Approach Towards Achieving Goals – Premise Based Implicative Truth Synthesis,” “Implicative Truth Synthesis – Method and Benefits,” and “Business in Social Framework – Meditation with Premise Based Implicative Truth Synthesis.”

From mathematics to political science, from Zen to Rock’n’Roll, from Rumi to Schopenhauer, my method of Premise Based Implicative Truth Synthesis will show you the way of effective reasoning.

It will resolve your most pressing and unanswered questions you might have about education, professional development, business, success, and for that matter, many aspects of your life. It will also take care of your motivation by positively modifying your personal beliefs and values about the world around you. When backed up with an effective and strong personal philosophy given by Premise based Implicative Truth Synthesis, it will be very hard to give up on any goal.

Your intellect is your best potential for success and the most promising drive to move you from a possible status quo, to an action-packed path towards achieving your goals. “How it might be” is more powerful than “How it is.” With Implicative Truth Synthesis you will be able to turn on your mighty intellectual creativity engine which you may not even know actually exists..

Talking about creativity – one of the sources of it lies in the ability to recognize innovation in the world around you – from carefully chosen words of a poem to a groundbreaking technology advancement; from an empowering motivational speech to rocket science which makes seemingly impossible things possible. Creativity and innovation already shape the world around you and by recognizing where innovation plays a role, you increase the chances of your own innovative thinking…

With Implicative Truth Synthesis, you will become more careful about what to accept as your goals of value. When confidently discovering whether your goals have value, primarily for you, you will respect your time more and when and where you put a significant amount of energy and effort towards those goals.

There will be hits and misses, as in many endeavours. But, each so called “failure” draws a short, wiggled line of a special contour that represents a bigger picture. That bigger picture, newly outlined after a number of, so called, “failures”, uncovers the things you are good at. Its shape clearly outlines your passions and shows you where to concentrate your focus further on. That contour is the reason for you to keep trying, to complete that bigger picture with all its components, and see your goals with crystal clarity.

When becoming acquainted with the Implicative Truth Synthesis method, you will feel like a four-star general in the army of your original and creative ideas.

You might ask yourself, “What are the alternatives to Implicative Truth Synthesis, for reasoning, gaining knowledge, applying that knowledge and being creative?” Passing exams does not prove anything. Education is not guaranteed to make you successful, and it does not guarantee that you can have a comfortable life, without debt, for instance. You can pass exams and gain certifications but those achievements can mean nothing because that can be done by, basically, faking intelligence. This means memorizing facts yet failing to understand the bigger picture of the material you are learning, chasing those good or passing marks and then forgetting what you learned. That will be all eliminated with Implicative Truth Synthesis. You cannot afford, with this brilliant method in front of you, to go back to processes that did not work. For instance, gaining new knowledge through exams. If you follow my method you will clearly recognize axiomatic boundaries of the subject matter, appreciate the innovative thinking that leads to the results you are learning about, and outline outer opening points so you can see where your subject matter under study can be further applied and how. You will actively search the influence of your subject matter to human and social sphere, hence dramatically increasing your chances for success. The discipline you are studying has to be positioned in the social sphere of relationships and influence, because success is a social “game”. Stay tuned for more!

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