Understanding Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RACI Matrix)

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The responsibility assignment matrix is a tool that is used in the field of project management. Based on this tool, the role of every team member is decided and determined. Under the matrix the roles of the people are defined and based on their roles they have to achieve the goals that are mentioned on the chart. Hence the charting system can help people assist other employees in the company and hence it will also help reduce work related confusions. If people have a chart identified and placed in front of them then it also improves the efficiency of the project that the company is working on. The employees also feel accountable for their job as the workload is evenly distributed and they know that they are responsible for the tasks they are completing. There are times when your employees are not working properly, and it becomes difficult for you to manage your daily routine tasks, but this amazing 2-dimensional model shows the involvement of each person in their assigned tasks. It also reduces the risk and trouble factors in those tasks. It’s no less than a wonder to a business which requires top-level task management.

In order to understand RACI Matrix in full detail, it can be broken down into following elements:

R – stands for responsibility – it highlights the person who is responsible for completing a particular task.

A – stands for accountable – this means that the person who is taking actions and making decisions is accountable for whatever they are doing under the task assigned.

C – stands for consulted – it will highlight the people who need to be consulted or communicated with in order to make decisions regarding the task or the project they are working on.

I – stands for informed – it highlights the people who need to be informed and updated regarding the decisions and actions that are being taken under the umbrella of a particular project.

Now, let’s skip towards the most important question that might be coming to your mind and that is about the benefits of RACI.

Why is RACI Useful?

Many companies or businesses fail to understand why RACI is useful. The main reason is that it informs the company about how the workload is divided and who is responsible for which task, hence the company can operate in a smooth and easy manner. Moreover, it also reduces the workload mainly because the work is evenly distributed amongst the employees. If the RACI matrix is clear, then the organization has an idea about whether anyone can take on more responsibilities or not. It helps enhance the productivity levels within the company and reduces the chances of miscommunication.

For instance, if any task was not completed on time or was incorrect then with the help of RACI the company can easily find out the person who is accountable or involved. The RACI matrix is no less than a blessing for someone who needs to manage their business. You see, technology has taken over the world and now no one has the time to arrange, assign and monitor tasks on a piece of paper which is why RACI is there. You can easily operate it and your basic goal of proper task distribution and task management can be done within a short time span.

You also need to clearly register the role description into the RACI in order to make it easier to check who is responsible, consulted and accountable for each of the activities or tasks. The complete description of each role in the project will help you utilize the RACI benefits to the maximum extent and we assure you that you will find this to be the best responsibility assignment matrix ever.

With the help of this wonder, you can now eliminate or bring the risk element to almost 0.05% and at times to 0% too. It is one of the best tools that can be fairly employed quickly and easily.

The RACI matrix is good news for such organizations who find it difficult to know which task should be assigned to which individual. Also, a successful project demands clear communication and for that you need to clear out the tasks and expectations for every individual involved in the project. As an instructed project manager, we all have several management tools, but it is a fact that RACI is what excels over every other tool. We are responsible for the perfect flow of communication and for that we need nothing less than the perfect tool because if communication fails, we fail along with it.

We hope you loved our post regarding this highly impressive and useful tool. We’ve got a lot more to talk about on management tools and their benefits. So, stay connected and keep reading.

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