How to Avoid Common Shipping Mistakes

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Shipping is not only about getting your goods from your doorstep to customers. It is a mere demonstration of commitment to quality and dedication to customer service. Overcoming a few stumbling blocks can give you a competitive edge by saving you resources like time and money and getting the products to their destination in the best condition. This imposes a good impression on your customers, in that you appreciate their needs. Here are some easy-to-commit mistakes that companies often make and what to do about them.

1. Wrong packaging

Having a good product is not enough. You will waste all your care and energy invested in the products if packaging is compromised. Never reuse packages or pursue the wrong size. Make sure the boxes are not too large or small or are not adequately reinforced for it to support the size and weight of the object contained. You must use new boxes with a cushion depending on the fragility of the object being shipped. Work with a packaging specialist to ensure the safety of the product. Custom packages can be designed as well to meet your specific needs.

2. Inadequate shipping options

In order to provide their customers with free shipping many companies compromise on options that are of more value to customers like speed and flexibility. This causes the diversion of the customer to go elsewhere.

Surveys have shown that many customers prefer free shipping options, however, there is a large class preferring flexibility to choose their own delivery date. Make sure you satisfy the needs of your customers by providing diverse shipping options at the time of the order. Sometimes the choice you offer is valued the most amongst other options.

3. No connection of website with your supply chain

As soon as your business expands, the demands and requirements increase as well. Your software may not cope with your needs leaving staff and customers unassisted. Make sure your website is integrated to enhance customer satisfaction and improve functionality.

4. Bad return policy

A vague return policy can annoy your customers. It can divert them to your competitors if the policy is not easy to find. Make sure your policy makers are of a competent level. Formulating and handling policies at a mediocre level can put you in trouble.

In an era of online shopping, make sure your customers are satisfied in every manner. They want their experience to be exceptional. Place your return policies prominently on pages where customers can view it properly. Such visibility can increase customer loyalty as per suggested by different surveys conducted.

5. Overlooking inbound logistics

It is completely natural to forget about the shipments suppliers send to you. Not having any control of the total supply chain can be dangerous. Make sure you have control over inbound shipments. In this manner you can save on inbound shipping costs.


Shipping is not an easy task, but the solutions above provided can make things easier. There are many portals as well like where the task of shipping can be made simpler. Nevertheless, implement the above point to get a sigh of relief.

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