5 Factors for Driving a Successful Project

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project management e1512519181860

Having an expert and skilled project manager is usually the first step for any project to work wonders. However, the interplay of many other factors largely contributes to the project’s successful outcome. A mindful planning, surveillance of minute details and proficient communication are the stepping stones to making any project boom. Any company can consistently attain project success with a hawk-eyed management and strong project closing.

Top 5 aspects for a project to be successful:

1. Smart people:

Any strategy or planning is vulnerable to falling apart in the absence of the right team in place. A typical and successful dynamic team must consist of virtuoso resources, professional project staff, suppliers and stakeholders. The team should be committed to fulfilling their goal of a thriving project. They should share the core, similar vision and always strive for the overall success of the project.

If the team is not professionally adept then not only the project manager but the whole team may experience troublesome situations. A project can pave its way towards failure if all the resources are not choreographed efficiently or there are inefficiencies in the leadership. It is utterly crucial to assign the right duties to the right kind of people keeping in mind all the avenues of the project and keeping a check on whether all the processes are being carried out in a proficient manner.

The utilisation of a software tool helps keep everyone on their toes and gets them online in addition to making use of a central repository of information. Tools such as Copper Project will make the management of the to-do lists easy and also record the availability of resources. With such tools, a specific task can be monitored for completion within the set time duration. These tools serve as powerful platforms for keeping your project from falling apart in adverse conditions.

2. Comprehensive planning:

Smart planning right from the beginning is another step closer towards a successful project. The planning process should be well-organized by all the stakeholders and at all times they should be aware of the direction towards which the project is heading. Systematic planning will help meet any deadline. Coherent organization and planning will keep the project team focused and alert the stakeholders of the project’s progress.

There are many advantages of smart and comprehensive planning. The first step in project planning should always be the creation of a reliable and realistic time-scale. As the project moves forward, things such as cost estimates to be produced and clear documentation of milestones and deliverables will be made much easier with the assurance of the correct timeframe. An efficient plan underlines all resource requirements and doubles as a warning system. If any task irregularity is about to occur, prior planning will work as an alarm and render clear visibility as of what to expect.

3. Communication par excellence:

For the success of any project, a close examination of the details and being all ears to inside and outside sources of information are a must. Open communication within the team is, no doubt, vital. It’s critical for all team members to remain well-informed at all times. If in any case a problem arises in one part of the project, it can somehow usher a negative impact on the other parts too. In order to prevent such bottlenecks, structured communication is crucial.

Focusing communication internally within an organization is as important as any other issue. Keeping the history of the organization of major projects handy will be a source of convenience for bringing into limelight improved policies. The absence of such essentials may render a project vulnerable to yet another failure.

Good communication not only means orderly interaction between the members of the team but also includes knowing when to say no. Project managers should never put forward any promise which they cannot fulfill. Saying no at the right time will prevent unnecessary issues at later stages.

4. Careful risk management:

With well-structured planning, hardly anything will be amiss. While planning a project, it is important to come up with a risk log with the action plan for the risks that might sprout at any time. Key stakeholders must be aware of the risk log and where they can find it. With prior management, a team can resolve any issue. This will not only boost the confidence of the team but will also satisfy the client with the progression of the project.

5. Robust project closure:

Any project will continue to consume resources if it doesn’t have a strong closure. The project team and the client must have face-to-face interaction and discuss the crucial success factors having been met. Confirmation of delivery of the project, testing and release must be agreed over and signed off.

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