The Importance of Quality ID Cards on a College Campus

College is typically a time of newfound freedom, with many students leaving home for the very first time in their lives. But freedom comes with responsibility, both on the part of the student and of the college to provide and maintain a safe environment, which is why it’s important to have proven systems in place to ensure boundaries as well as efficiency.

Student ID cards are incredibly important to student life on campus, for a number of different reasons: as a means of keeping everyone safe; as a way to track meals at dining halls; as a way of restricting access to certain areas or residences; and – not to be overlooked – as a physical token of belonging. Finding quality cards that are durable, multi-functioning and affordable is a must for colleges looking to improve their efficiency – if you’re in Canada, check out and peruse the different ID card systems to find out which best suits your school.

Starting with the security benefits, it’s important to note that campus security is under close scrutiny right now, and horror stories regularly make their way into the media and national dialogue. Nothing can completely replace a competent, well-trained and dedicated security team, but ID cards can certainly aid those jobs. Restricting campus access to those who attend the school is measure number one in keeping students safe, and an ID card provides easy identification for security or emergency responders in the event of a problem.

It also manages access between residences. There are certain residences – an all-girls residence, for example – that might understandably choose to limit its access to members, and an ID card is the best, easiest and least expensive way to accomplish that. This goes as well for certain classroom settings, like a science lab, which contains a lot of expensive tools and materials – not to mention dangerous chemicals, often– and colleges would want to limit access to only certain faculty and students.

ID cards can also be used to carry credit towards meals at campus meal halls. In this way, a cumbersome cash or debit system is streamlined, and students move through meal lines quicker and more efficiently. Having a single account for food payment can also be helpful for parents who want to contribute to their child’s meals, as they can just put it in the student’s account and be rest assured the money is going toward food (as opposed to entertainment).

And finally, student ID cards create a sense of identity on campus, a physical reminder of one’s belonging to an academic endeavor and community. Many people keep their student ID cards well after college is finished, as a keepsake of their time spent walking those halls of learning. Creating a solid sense of identity is important on campus, as it pushes everyone to work together, to look out for one another and to commit to making a better campus.

A student ID card can be many things: a lock, a key, a payment and a token of belonging. Finding a quality ID card system that works for your school is step one in running a caring, careful and efficient college.

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