Finding a Versatile Courier Service for Your Home Business

Courier Service

When you need a quick delivery service for your home business, you want a courier service that’s as versatile as it is fast and reliable. A proper courier will provide service to suit any of your delivery needs.

Those delivery needs could be any of the following:

  • Needing a parcel delivered, today.
  • Needing a parcel delivery that’s dependable and on time.
  • Needing an economical delivery service for parcels that aren’t of the utmost importance.
  • Needing a delivery option for larger parcels.
  • Needing extra service options for delivery.

Think about your home business. Can you count how many times you’ve needed a parcel delivered, immediately, and you have it packaged and ready to go? You sweat every minute that went by until the courier finally arrived and took the parcel?

It gets worse:

Did the courier then take ages to deliver the parcel? Perhaps an unhappy customer called you hours later, asking about the package when you assumed it had been delivered hours earlier.

Maybe it’s time to find a dependable service that delivers your urgent parcels in a routine fashion. Fasta Couriers provides Critical Express and VIP Express delivery services for those extremely urgent parcels that contribute to the success of your home business.

The Critical Express service is the service you’ll want to use when you need a package delivered, right now. This service ensures a courier arrives to pick up your deliverables within 15 minutes, and that’s a guarantee. To make things better, the courier will directly deliver the package to your client and call you when delivery is completed.

If you need a package shipped quickly but not as urgently, the VIP Express service will send the first courier vehicle that is available to your office. Then, your deliverables will be sent through direct delivery.

A standard courier delivery service will guarantee your package is delivered within an hour after pickup, while Budget and Bus Round courier services save you some money on deliverables that are not as urgent.

The Budget service ensures your parcels are delivered within 3 hours after pickup, while the Bus Round service is for non-urgent parcels.

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