5 Tips to Revitalizing Your Website

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In this day and age, it’s important for every business to have a website. This is because most people prefer to buy their stuff from online stores due to the convenience of being able to shop from anywhere, even when travelling. Creating a website is one thing, while keeping it revitalized is a different ball game altogether. A website is just like a garden that contains vegetables and fruits. If you don’t tend to the crops in your garden, there will be no yields to harvest.

Similarly, a website that is dormant can hardly bring in any revenue. This is because visitors get bored by the same old content, images and design. Besides that, the strategies of online marketing keep changing. This means your website must evolve to be able to cope with such changes. Below is a list of tips that can guide you when looking to revitalize your website.

1. Optimize for Mobile Devices

If your website was created a few years ago, it may not be supported by mobile devices. You might be missing a lot of opportunities because that’s where the bread and butter is. Gone are the days when people could only access the internet via computers and laptops. Technological advancements have led to the creation of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets that enable everyone to access the internet from wherever they are. Due to their portability, they are considered more convenient than traditional computers. You should consult local web agencies on this issue because lack of mobile optimization could be the reason why your website does not get any visitors.

2. Add Fresh Content

It’s generally agreed that some articles remain green regardless of changes in time. However, most internet users don’t believe in the credibility of content that was published some years back. They prefer to get information from current content because they believe it’s more authoritative than outdated content. In fact, most look at the results of the search engines and select an article that was published recently. Failure to add new content is known to contribute to increased bounce rate. You should therefore make sure you add an article at least twice a month in order to retain followers.

3. Replace Old Sample Projects and Testimonials

Samples of past projects and customer testimonials help in boosting your reputation in the eyes of potential customers. When you maintain the same old samples and projects, visitors will start doubting your reputation. Old samples create an impression that you have not had any customers recently. This can really poke holes into your business. You should therefore keep changing your sample projects and testimonials because it’s the only way to assure your potential clients that you have not been idle.

4. Change Images

The images gallery of your website needs to be changed on a regular basis. This is due to the fact that old pictures and images can make your website lose its appeal. Remember, internet users are hard to please. No one will waste their precious time staring at your old images. It’s therefore recommended that you make a habit of updating the gallery with current images. At the end of the day, people want to do business with an enterprise that’s updated on current trends.

5. Change Keywords and Call-to-Action Phrases

Like mentioned earlier, the internet is very dynamic. The top articles are different every day. What used to work like magic a few years ago may not yield any results today. Keywords and call-to-actions are no exemption. This is because the competition among keywords is never constant. As new users join the internet bandwagon, there is bound to be a significant change in the words that people use when searching for information in the search engines. For instance, ‘click here’ used to be a reliable call-to-action phrase. The phrase no longer works because nowadays people don’t want an invitation that’s too open. People prefer call-to-actions that revolve around what they want.

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