Two Situations Which Describe How the Latest Content Marketing Strategies Work

Depositphotos 72951479 m 2015
Depositphotos 72951479 m 2015

Want to implement a content marketing strategy but can’t? Do you not have any experience related to content marketing? If you are looking to understand a little about what content marketing is, you found the right article. This article talks about two of the latest content marketing strategies that modern marketers need to consider. The middle route that can be taken is to hire a professional company like Adsy that sells services that can help companies to increase sales through content marketing. Hopefully, this article can give you some knowledge of how content marketing works so you can tackle most of it on your own.

What is content marketing?

In short, it is a marketing strategy based on creation and distribution of content. The most common components of a content marketing machine are social networks, blogs, visual content and premium content material, such as tools, eBooks or webinars. This article will explain more about the two latest content marketing strategies described in a situational approach. Let’s check them out!

First case example

You run an accounting firm that specializes in taxes, but this year the business is not going very well. Your purpose is to improve next year, so you decide to launch a unique blog on your website and post articles about the most common tax problems your target clients face. You write some posts a week and, over time, these articles start to rank on Google and other search engines.

When the tax return season approaches, people seek to resolve their doubts, find the articles on your blog and discover that you offer tax preparation services. Some people will continue their preparation process but they will take you into account for the following year, while others will give up, decide to get rid of the headache involved in doing the tax return and they will hire you because you are clearly more prepared to carry out this process.

Second case example

You are the marketing director of an agency that specializes in design solutions for small businesses. However, you have difficulties attracting clients because it seems that maintaining a retention agreement with an agency is a challenge for a small company. Therefore, you decide to create some design tools that people can use to design their own creations. You do keyword research and you discover that 2000 people search for the phrase “infographics generator” every month, so you decide to create one that people can use for free the first time and then, if they like the tool, they can create more infographics without additional expenses just by providing their name and email address.

You make a couple of example infographics and share them on your social networks so that users see the potential of the tool. With the traffic generated by social networks and organic search, you begin to observe that hundreds of people use your generator per month. Some are fascinated by the tool and give you their name and email to continue using it. When you finally get your information, you identify which people would be compatible with your company, keep in touch with them and follow them until they become customers.

You should know that everything evolves and content marketing strategies are no exception. They always evolve over time. If you want to continue to compete, you must make sure that you can keep up with the times. But understand the fact that not everyone can successfully implement new strategies and adapt them to the competition they face.

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