Get to Know Various Heating Systems Commonly Applied in the House

A halogen or electric heater on wooden floor

Residential heating systems installed by companies like Glow Heating Services increase the temperature inside the house, providing comfort and convenience on colder days. Suppose you are considering hiring an integrated service that could provide you a system to manage and calibrate cold and heat. In that case, you should consider the benefits of a heating and cooling Calgary-based company. Look for a company keen to provide the best service based on your needs. There are several options that the market offers to help in heating not only the environment, but other assets such as drinking water and swimming pools.

How do you keep your house safe?

With residential insurance you have several options that protect your home and your family against accidents and unforeseen circumstances. And to prevent any disruptive situations from happening by poorly installed heating systems, contacting good HVAC services is recommended.

Solar heater

The artificial heating system requires too much power consumption; this is the biggest problem we face in order to maintain good living quarters. The most sustainable option for heating drinking water, the environment or pools may be the solar heating system. Increasingly used in industries and offices, the system consists of collecting plates of solar radiation. They are responsible for transferring heat from the sun to the water circulating in your copper pipes.

The heated water is stored in a large thermal reservoir (boiler), which is supplied by another reservoir of cold water, thus keeping it always full. The investment in this equipment is high, but the economy in electric energy is up 90%.

Electric heater

They are the most common; they heat the environment quickly because the heating resistance is apparent and the heat is in direct contact with the air. Even the proximity to it when connected is dangerous. There are several models, and the price varies by size and power.


Also electric, they are lightweight, easy to carry and the noise is similar to that of a fan because of its propellers that improve the efficiency in the distribution of hot air.

Oil heater

When connected to the mains, this equipment has an internal resistance that heats oil which circulates through a coil. The oil heater dries out less air and has the advantage of being quiet.

Thermo-ceramic heater

As its name says, it is a heater made of ceramic material which involves a resistance. A fan releases the heated air very quickly and in a well distributed manner. Due to the ceramic, the heat is controlled and it is a good option for those looking to save energy.

Air conditioning

The advantage of air conditioning (window, split type or portable) is that you will be able to enjoy it on hot days. You can get an appliance that offers the hot-cold function. However, since their specialty is cooling, sometimes the heating function may not be as satisfying.

Underfloor heating

Imagine entering the house and being able to walk in a t-shirt and barefoot, in a super-pleasant climate, and outside the temperature is zero degrees Celsius. If your purchasing power allows, invest in this radiant floor system. It basically consists of electric (or gas) heating cables installed under the house’s trim floor. Coated by thermal insulation, the heated cables run through the floor and the heat is evenly distributed in the air.

When choosing your air heater, take into account the location that it will be installed, if you intend to use it in other rooms, and if you can use it in summer too (in the case of air conditioning). Issues such as drying the air and noises of the appliance should be taken into account.

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