Soul Aligned Success Inc. Founder Vanessa Petronelli Shares Tips on Staying Balanced, Spiritual Guidance

Oftentimes, home business owners can become overwhelmed by the sheer weight of all of their daily business tasks. They can also sometimes question their life’s purpose and whether their business is accomplishing the mission they want it to accomplish. If you feel like this as well, Vanessa Petronelli, Global Spiritual Leader and founder of the renowned Soul Aligned Success Inc. company, is here with helpful tips for your business journey.

As a successful business owner for over two decades, Vanessa has helped transform and inspire thousands of lives around the world from the inside out, powerfully helping people to become more aligned to themselves, their missions and sacred leadership. Home Business Magazine had the chance to sit down with her and hear her tips to help those who are overwhelmed, how to incorporate spirituality in your business journey, and more:

HBM: Your work focuses a lot on Spiritual Guidance. What is this and why is it important for business owners?
Vanessa: “Spiritual guidance is simply the act of getting support, wisdom and perspective around your own connection to your soul, your purpose and life overall. Like with any important area of life, getting perspective from outside of ourselves can help us to become aware of what we cannot see on our own. It’s all about becoming aware of our blind spots and limitations.
The tools, wisdom and practices that a teacher or guide can provide can help accelerate one’s personal growth journey. I always mention that at the end of the day, it’s our own individual guidance that needs to be listened to the most. A teacher or guide can help in the removal of the noise and confusion that can get in the way of hearing our own true essence and inner voice.”
HBM: Do you feel that mental health/stability is often overlooked? And do you have any tips for anyone feeling emotionally overwhelmed?
Vanessa: “Yes, 100%. Mental and emotional health and well-being are such a crucial part of our overall health and well-being. Too often we prioritize physical health only and ignore mental and emotional health until it becomes urgent to address, like after some kind of crisis. That’s why I’m a huge advocate of investing time and energy into all areas of well-being. 
Two of the biggest tools I can recommend are breath and silence. Many of us rush through our lives from one thing to another, with no breaks. Or when we take a “break” we’re scrolling through our phone or listening to music. There is tremendous power in silence. Especially deliberate silence, where we consciously choose to eliminate the noise and distraction and just be with ourselves. Setting a timer for 5 minutes a day of sitting in silence can be very powerful. 
The next tool is putting deliberate focus on the breath. The breath is a great tool because it’s ALWAYS with us. And, again, deliberately choosing to slow our breath down has countless benefits to our body, our nervous system, our emotional well-being and our mind. Even right now, pause, close your eyes and take 5 full, deep breaths where you allow your belly to expand as you inhale and contract as you exhale.” 
HBM: How can people get into spirituality/explore their spiritual side if it’s something they haven’t done before?
Vanessa: “A genuine curiosity for spirituality is always a first step. Head to a meditation class. Go to the bookstore and hang out in the new age/spirituality/religion section perusing books. Attending a convention or going to a new age shop are also great initial ways to begin to explore spirituality. And following those intuitive breadcrumbs along the way.” 
Vanessa also has a special event tonight for Southern California business owners! See her speak at the 10th Anniversary Red Carpet Evening with V, which takes place at Liberate Hollywood:
Sat, November 17, 2018
5:30 PM – 10:00 PM PST




Liberate Hollywood
6365 Selma Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90028

For more information about Vanessa and her work, visit You can also follow her on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.
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