Protect the Environment While Using Green Tech


Every year, over 40 million tons of electronic waste are generated worldwide. That’s almost equivalent to dumping 800 laptops in landfills every few seconds. While it’s great that technological advancements have allowed us to create impressive pieces of technology, it means that more has been created than what’s actually needed.

In particular, the rate of the manufacturing and production of these items has undoubtedly sped up the effects of global warming. That said, striking a balance between innovation and being environmentally responsible is important. Companies can do a lot to help in this mission. Here is a list of recommendations that can help protect the environment.

#1 Use of Recyclable Items

A million tons of electronic waste is dumped every year. You can use rechargeable batteries instead of alkaline batteries. You can charge USB batteries multiple times. Go for biodegradable products and stop using single-time-use plastic. You can use phone cases, water bottles, or daily-used items that are made of biodegradable substances. Use paper bags instead, or reuse plastic bags as much as possible.

#2 Use of Natural Source of Power

Cut the power consumption by switching to a renewable source of energy i.e., solar energy. You can use solar fans, solar-powered gadgets, solar lights, and solar panels to save electricity. ExpressVPN’s green tech list gives a detailed idea on saving energy and green tech! You can use solar batteries to power your gadgets. Nowadays, effective solar batteries are available that can back up power for a longer duration. So, cloudy weather will not be a problem anymore.

#3 Use of Smart Gadgets to Reduce Power Consumption

You can switch to smart gadgets that can be controlled remotely. Use sensor-based gadgets like LED bulbs, smart thermostats, and smart plugs that can be programmed according to your needs. Such gadgets have power auto cuts and automatically switch off when no one uses them for a longer duration. This will cut the cost of the electricity bill as well as save a lot of energy.

#4 Use of Homegrown Items to Cut Packaging Waste

You can grow your own veggies to consume. You can have your small garden to cater to your basic needs. Use home tools to cultivate them. Thus, this will help you to switch from packaged food and reduce a lot of packaging waste. Community cultivation will reduce plastic packaging and the use of artificial chemicals that harm the environment.

#5 Go for Electric Vehicles

Last but not least, go for electric vehicles like electric bikes, electric cars, and electric cycles. Though they are more expensive than the usual vehicles, they don’t emit high pollution. So, it will benefit the environment in the long run. You can gradually shift to electric cars and use electric chargers instead of using petroleum.

Final Words

Ideally, you have found this article on using green tech and implementing environmentally conscious practices helpful. You can read more amazing articles on the official website of Viebly. Do you have ideas on using green technology and ways to protect the environment? Share your valuable thoughts in the comments. Your peers would love to hear from you.

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