How Can Gardening Improve Your Health?

Gardening Tools
Matthew Henry / Burst

A nice beautiful garden will create a perfect place for you to neutralize bad energy before it enters your home. It can be the right place for you to enjoy and spend quality time with your loved ones. Your guests will learn a lot about you just by looking at your garden. It does say a lot about you as a person. And on top of all, the health benefits of gardening can help you at any age.

There are spiritual, physical, mental and emotional values of sowing seeds, planting plants, and actually caring about those living things.

The Physical Benefit

Do you think that gardening is easy? Gardening is a great workout and it provides you with all three types of exercise: endurance, flexibility, and strength. The key is to look at gardening as a benefit and joy — not as some kind of punishment.

You can transform hard work like gardening into a structured exercise routine. What this means is that you don’t have to do only one activity (like pulling weeds) but alternating between the activities. You can take a while then dig some holes, then prune, etc. Work for 30 to 60 minutes and then take a break.

Digging, planting, pulling weeds, and engaging in these repetitive tasks that require strength and stretching also decreases the likelihood of osteoporosis which is awesome!

Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Benefits of Gardening

Interacting with nature is essential for your well-being. Just a simple walk in the woods or sitting on the beach on a sunny morning will awaken the deepest feelings of happiness and peace. And this love for nature is actually something you can’t control, it is genetic and deep-rooted in evolution. Have you ever wondered why you prefer a room with a great view over a room that watches over an urban area or why patients who get a natural view from their hospital bed get better sooner than others? And have you ever wondered why you want to escape into nature every time stress takes a toll on our mind? Well, because it really helps! And apart from that (the nature element), there is a science-backed proof that nature can make you healthier. Well, happier, but that’s the area we want to target.

According to the results of several experiments, there is a mycobacterium in soil that can improve brain functions while boosting your mood. This mycobacterium vaccae improves the serotonin levels produced in the brain.

Gardening Is a Way of Making a Meaning out of our Lives

The time you spend in a garden creates a feeling of profound connection to the land, makes you see the beauty of your surroundings and inspires you to experience gratitude, abundance and the feeling of awe.

It Destroys Stress

Gardening helps people with depression and anxiety symptoms according to a 2017 research in Preventive Medicine Reports. This method has already been accepted by a number of different hospitals that use planting and flower arranging as a sort of therapy for their patients. This kind of therapy can help patients rebuild that mental and physical health.

The problem is that stress became a normal part of our daily lives and people need a little bit of rest. Nature provides that kind of rest.

Gardening Will Boost Your Immune System

Vitamin D can modulate the innate and adaptive immune response. The immune system defends the body from viruses and infections and the only way you can increase the levels of Vitamin D is by exposing yourself to the Sun. This is why you will soak in plenty of vitamin D while gardening.

You Can Grow Your Own Food

Growing your own food has many benefits for your health. You will be the only one who decides what kinds of fertilizers and pesticides come into contact with the food you eat, the food will be more nutritious, you will stay active and get that Vitamin D, save money and at the top of all this is way better for the environment!

Whatever your motivation might be, this hobby is something that could improve your life in many different ways.

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