Four Side Hustle Ideas That You Can Consider Taking Up

Person working on side hustle
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

If you’re looking for something to do in your spare time that will also contribute productively to your life, then you might want to consider taking up a side hustle. These are little jobs that you do on the side of your regular job, simply to fill your time and get a little more money in your pocket. Take a look at some of the side hustles that you can consider taking up right now.

Starting a Blog

The first thing that we’re going to suggest is that you look into starting a blog. Now, a blog is something that is going to take some time to build up, so don’t start expecting miracles and seeing the money pour in straight away. You have got to remain consistent with this if you’re going to see results, posting content that people are interested in, and will continue to read.

You need to build up a following, and there are a few ways that this can be done. For example, you can make sure you stick to one kind of topic and then write posts about this more often than not. It will keep your blog quite niche, but at least you know the people reading are actually interested.


If you have passed your test and you have your own vehicle, then you might want to consider becoming some kind of driver. You can take up the mantle as a delivery driver during the hours that you are not working your regular job. There are always places that are hiring for delivery drivers, but you’re also technically self-employed with most companies so it’s the best of both worlds really.

Or, if you didn’t want to be a delivery driver you can consider becoming a taxi of sorts. Just make sure that if you’re going down this route that you have the right insurance such as rideshare insurance to ensure that you are covered in case anything happens.

Child Minding

Are you someone who loves kids, and has the necessary security checks? Or, would be willing to get the necessary checks to give the parents peace of mind? If the answer is yes, then childminding might be one that you should consider. You can do this in your spare time, working out when you’re available to work and when you’re not etc. You can also set your own rates, your own specifications and so on.

It’s important that if this is an option you want to pursue that you are good with children. What we mean by this is that if you know you have a short temper or you aren’t the best when it comes to being patient, then this might not be the route to go down. Make sure that you can get some recommendations and references before you try to get some clients, as they will want to see these before they hire you.

Dog Walking

Who doesn’t love dogs? Everyone loves dogs, and if you’re in need of a new way to get your exercise in for the day while making some money, this is a fantastic idea. You get to spend time walking around with dogs, playing fetch in parks and so much more, so what is there not to love? If you’re a dog person then this wouldn’t even be considered work, it would just be so much fun.

You can advertise this online, on social media, and on bulletin boards in local spaces. There is pretty much always someone looking for someone who is available to walk their dog, so you’re sure to get some attention. You can even set up your own little dedicated account on social media to attract more people.

Hopefully you found this article helpful, and now see some of the side hustle ideas that you can consider taking up in order to make some more money. Everyone could use a side hustle in their life. It’s just about finding the one that is right for you, suiting all of your needs. Now that you’ve got some ideas, you can get started on trying to get some more cash into your bank account each month. The very best of luck to you!

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