Podcast – ToyMakerz David Ankin on Using Ingenuity to Fuel Your Biz

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Interview with David Ankin, Former Stuntman and Founder of ToyMakerz – Using Ingenuity

David Ankin, inventor and star of the hit show ToyMakerz (www.ToyMakerz.com), realized that being a stuntman wasn’t a long-term career. So he decided to turn his passion into a new career that others could enjoy.

Now, David’s challenge is constantly coming up with something new and unique. That ingenuity, which is having the ability to be clever, original, and inventive, is what propelled David Ankin to the top of his field and success with ToyMakerz. David’s journey turned into a hit TV show where people watch him work his magic.

Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview David Ankin on ways that ingenuity can fuel your home business.

Subjects discussed in podcast include:

  • David Ankin’s fascinating journey from stuntman to reality TV star
  • What inspired David to start the ToyMakerz brand that led to the hit TV show
  • Making ToyMakerz TV brand stand out in a competitive market
  • How ingenuity can help with success and longevity
  • How good decisions increase ingenuity and lead to creative solutions
  • Using drive to improve ingenuity
  • How ingenuity creates opportunity and makes things happen in the business world

Episode Sponsor: Anajet * www.Anajet.com/hbm

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