Teen Entrepreneur Fiona Frills Builds Beauty Brand


Fiona Frills is a product of the times. The young entrepreneur built her beauty brand, Frilliance, by leveraging her social media following, specifically on YouTube, as her other social media channels were not as strong. As a teen herself, she knew first-hand what teen skin needs and her subscribers/followers shared their skin frustrations with her too. Frilliance was Fiona’s solution to teen-prone skin (her kinder way to say acne-prone). Her promise is to deliver clean skincare cosmetics focused on safely controlling breakouts for teen-skin by providing simple and easy, healthy skin makeup.

Around the time she launched Frilliance, Fiona had about 500,000 subscribers on YouTube where she encouraged her followers through her videos to join the email, text, and Instagram for Frilliance. She didn’t want to rely on her YouTube channel as her only way to market and sell products. Besides using social media to grow Frilliance, she also used social media to learn what teens like. She used her YouTube channel to launch her brand and leading up to the launch, she encouraged her subscribers to follow her other social media so that Frilliance got the name that Fiona wanted it to be. She didn’t want to rely on her YouTube channel as her only way to make and sell Frilliance.

The Frilliance product line has grown to six top-rated products. Fiona is working on several new products that are still in the formulation stage. Getting products to really work well for teen skin takes time for testing and re-formulation, which is why many brands just don’t work for teen skin. Fiona has a multi-channel selling strategy. Frilliance is sold by DTC, Amazon, and now through an innovative channel with teens helping teens.

Fiona decided the best idea for this was to come up with the Frilliance Direct Retail Program. If you are a teen who loves makeup and helping other teens with their skin and making it clear than this program is a perfect fit. Teens can also learn business skills that will be valuable to them in the future when they need them. As a teen-beauty brand, Frilliance is the leader in teen evolution and their collaborations are huge. Beauty products have now found a new way to be created and sold to teens and making teens successful.

After Fiona got many DMs and comments asking how she runs a business as a teen entrepreneur, she wanted to teach every teen the answers to the questions she gets. Teens have a hard time building their confidence level and showing off their natural skin so Fiona knows that she can help these teens. The Frilliance Direct Retail Program could be perfect for teens who love helping out their friends or other teens that they know build their confidence level. Fiona believes in improving the teen experience in every way she can. You can be a part of a positive movement creating teen solutions. A healthy, clear complexion can boost a teen’s self confidence more than anything and Fiona knows that.

Fiona’s mission with Frilliance is to transform the teen experience with fresh confidence and innovative real-life business opportunities. Teens can do it! Fiona has so much belief in her generation and what we can all achieve together. Also, to be the number one teen-beauty brand powered by teen collaboration creating a new way for beauty products to be developed and sold. Their authentic voices lead teen creativity and opportunity. Why? Beauty is not just skin deep but it’s a great place to begin when you’re dealing with breakouts. Frilliance encourages teen confidence and the authentic, brilliant beauty everyone has to shine. Get the skills, confidence, and knowledge now instead of waiting to learn “grown up” business skills.

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