From Radio Airwaves to Home Based Entrepreneur

Previous Storefront Experiences Teach Ex-Deejay that Working From Home is Best

2015-best-brightest-hands-300x300The Houston rock and roll radio airwaves were Dayna Steele’s home for 20 years. After the birth of her first child, she left her life as a radio deejay to try her hand at television and other freelance endeavors, bouncing around trying to find her next passion.

Somewhere in all of this, Dayna’s agent called to see where he could get some NASA items for a client. Dayna’s husband was (and still is) a NASA Research Pilot, and he and Dayna would often give NASA gifts to friends for various occasions. “At the time, only the NASA centers had gift shops and you had to be badged to get on site,” says Dayna. “My agent made the comment, ‘That’s crazy; someone should start a catalog or a web site or something.’”

Dayna never forgot what he said; it lingered in the back of her mind and she eventually started in the basement of her home with nine products on the e-commerce site. After 3 years as a home-based business, Dayna sold the company to a NASA contractor, and she and her husband moved to a storefront with shipping capabilities. According to Dayna, The Space Store became the largest NASA and space-related product web site.

After running the company for the contractor for four years, Dayna knew she wanted to get back to a home-based business. It took a year to transition into another business, but it is the best thing she has ever done. Steele Media Services is the umbrella company for Dayna’s many endeavors, including writing, media consulting, social media training, speaking, and more. Her clients/customers range from associations and organizations around the world to top PR companies and individual executives.

“One thing I never did is hide the fact I was working from home,” says Dayna. “If you have a quality product or service and give excellent customer service, customers don’t care where you are.” Dayna can’t imagine ever working in an office again. And the best part? “When the kids come in from school, I can stop and hear all about their day. That and I’m usually in flips flops and shorts with a wonderful black Lab under my feet. Life’s great!: Visit HBM

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