Why Mothers Make the Best Entrepreneurs – And How This Will Benefit Them in the Future

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An entrepreneur assumes all the risks and rewards of the venture. Have you ever wondered what the key attributes are of an entrepreneur?

Do you ever look at other entrepreneurs and think every mistake they made was just a learning curve? Do you ever wonder if they felt like giving up? If they did, they likely turned what felt like a stopping point into a chance to keep going – no matter what. And if their team or venture needed them, they were available day and night, three hundred and sixty-five days a year.

Do these points sound like someone you know?

If this is not someone you know, it might just be a fairly accurate description of the day-to-day life of some of the most successful entrepreneurs, like Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey or Mark Zuckerberg! Alternatively, they might just resemble the components that many mothers have. If you look closely at the challenges that mothers face on a daily basis, it is hardly surprising that given half the chance, they certainly have all the ingredients to make the most incredible entrepreneurs.

Motivation is an intrinsic part of their DNA

Neither entrepreneur nor mother needs to be given a reason to deliver a great solution. The reward they find in taking everything in stride, no matter how tall the ask, makes every journey worthwhile. For them, it’s instinctive. It’s in their make up to just be the best of the best in every way.

The ongoing juggling, managing, creating and generally manifesting positive pathways to outcomes that quite simply produce a ‘job well done’ is all the motivation required. And, having the determination to keep going against the odds, overcoming obstacles which may only become apparent as the project unfolds, is quite simple just in their DNA.

Adaptable and dynamic – change is second nature

With no two days the same and constantly changing needs of raising a family, mothers really are nimble and adaptive in embracing whatever life might throw their way. Albeit through necessity, living in each moment, understanding the transformative energy of children, being present with life decisions are all testament to any mum’s ability to be a successful entrepreneur.

And with each change comes a new learning curve – in the moment, during the day, for the month, or the entire year – no matter when and how, change always creates opportunities to embrace something new.

Entrepreneurs yearn to learn. Their enquiring minds constantly look at finding ways to stay ahead of the game. Waking up early, working late, missing lunchtime may be what it takes to learn that new skill, develop a new role build a new responsibility. Not unknown territory for any busy mother as she makes her way through the hectic family day, re-discovering her child’s curriculum, new ways to find more time and be creative for little Johnny’s project on spiders.

Networking and building relationships

Entrepreneurs successfully negotiate, and create boundaries that enable growth, using leadership skills to build the foundation in their relationship with their peers and clients.

Strong, engaging and empowered relationships within the business is an exact reflection of what most entrepreneurs aim to build in their own businesses.

The same could be said for the role of a mother, she always has a sense of what is going on with each member of the family, she navigates emotions, temper tantrums and teenage outbursts, all while being the master of debate when sibling rivalry ensues. She has the spirit of positive debate, problem solving and continuous compromise to reach best solutions.

Having boundaries

Entrepreneurs know when to make the decision to steer the business in their desired direction.

A brilliant mother knows when and how to empower her children, when to give a little more and take a little less. Treating each possible scenario with respect and sensitivity while being aware of her boundaries she manages to steer most outcomes in a positive direction.

Fear of failure

Lastly, but certainly not least, is the knowledge that failure can have a purpose; it can either be considered as a new beginning or the end. Mothers rarely focus on the outcome, they are always striving to deliver the best possible solution.

How can your future business flourish with you on your team?

Would the following attributes in an employee assist your business to flourish in the future? A person who is …. fearless, creative, motivated, inspiring, solution focused, adaptable, caring and driven!

With a sneak preview into the future, including all the attributes of an exceptional entrepreneur, as a mum, what future can you now see is available to you, that you haven’t recognized yet?

Having a successful entrepreneurial business requires skill, discernment and most importantly self-discipline and motivation. A mum already has all these attributes, there is nothing standing in her way that she does not have the tools to overcome.

She can choose anything!

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