Interview with Dr. Veronica Stahl: Founder of Cannabite LifeLong

Dr. Veronica Stahl is an international expert and leader in the dental industry. She has delivered care and led teams of medical organizations that deliver optimum care for patients. Her expertise in the fields of implantology, endodontics, and restorative dentistry are pivotal in Cannabite LifeLong’s research and the applications of medical cannabis in dentistry, which enable her and her team to drive a high impact organization of science-backed treatments.

With advanced studies in dentistry and more than 23 years of dental experience, Dr. Stahl currently works in Belgium and brings a wealth of knowledge and research to the startup Cannabite LifeLong from her time spent at Technion, Israel Institute of Technology. She also spent 14 years working in Israel, which has become one of today’s fastest-growing places for technology startups.

She currently practices dentistry at Euro Dental in Belgium, the Flander region Antwerpen, and is licensed as a dental practitioner in the U.K., Belgium, the Netherlands, and Israel.

Where did the idea for Cannabite LifeLong come from? 

Dr. Stahl: “I saw so many of my patients suffer from oral pain and dental disease so I started researching new ways that could help those patients and then this is how Cannabite LifeLong started.

Cannabite LifeLong is one of the first startups to research and develop parts of the cannabis plant in the dental industry. Although this new application is still in its early stages, it’s designed to help relieve oral pain and heal dental diseases.

We recently registered the company in California but will keep our research and development center in Belgium.”

What does your typical day look like as an entrepreneur?

Dr. Stahl: “My typical day starts at 5:30 am with a short meditation, followed by a workout at 6:30 am at the gym three times a week. Then I start looking at my emails at 8 am 9 am, followed by clinical work. By 7 pm, I have dinner with my partner and then read online until about midnight.”

What’s one technology trend that excites you in 2018?

Dr. Stahl:Augmented Reality is really exciting since it’s being used in many industries including banking, retail, and healthcare.”

What advice would you give your younger self?

Dr. Stahl: “The one piece of advice that I would give to my younger self is to learn how to look at life with a positive outlook. In most cases, it’s not the end of the world.”

As an entrepreneur, how do you keep a positive frame of mind?

Dr. Stahl: “Believe in yourself and trust your intuition. Forget about what everyone else has to say. This has been the most effective way to overcome challenges.”

How are you growing your business? 

Dr. Stahl: “The one strategy that has helped us grow is finding the right team members with specific expertise to build a viable business structure.”

What is one failure you had as an entrepreneur, and how did you overcome it? 

Dr. Stahl: “One failure In 23 years of work? I had many failures as an entrepreneur and the most painful ones made me the strong person as I am today. I made it through those failures with perseverance and keeping a positive frame of mind, although it was difficult to do so when I was going through them.”

What is one of your favorite business books?

Dr. Stahl: “I love Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich“ because it’s so inspirational and uplifting.”

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