Home-Based Entrepreneur Uses Web-Based Software as a Force Multiplier

Using Cutting-Edge Technology to Bust Out From The Competition

todd_wheeler_17284Todd Wheeler, owner of Concierge Resource and Hospital Concierge of America (conciergeresource.com), believes that top-level service is hard to find but also essential to the well-being and productivity of today’s corporate America.

In fact, he’s dedicated a lifetime to communicating this message and has built a successful home-based business around this devotion to excellence and care. His company recognizes that in today’s highly competitive business environment, companies are demanding top performance of their employees in order to further the bottom line. However, studies have shown that the most successful companies understand that this dedication goes both ways. Companies who actively take care of their employees reap the benefits through increased sales and productivity, stronger employee retention, and a more loyal and proactive team that goes the proverbial “extra mile” with their customers—that elusive intangible that often separates the winners from the losers in the business world.

Wheeler’s business began as a home-based business. Knowing that he would face a tough competitive landscape, and would often be going up against the “big guys” when pitching for new accounts, Wheeler decided to use technology as his force multiplier—to level the play field. He chose a Web-delivered software application, called StreetSmart by InfoStreet (www.infostreet.com), to keep on top of the myriad of clients, services, and projects that soon began to roll in. This technology gave him the added bonus of being able to access his entire “desktop” in real-time from any location—particularly handy for those urgent 2:00 am requests that invariably crop up. This also allowed him to “be in multiple places at the same time”—he could be spending face-time with one client but still have full access to his office tools from his laptop—allowing him to more effectively service the growing demands of his clients.

By making the founding decision to use technology to give himself a leg-up against the competition, Todd Wheeler’s business quickly outgrew his home and now includes 10-full time employees across three true brick and mortar offices. However, to ensure his continued success, Wheeler still logs dozens of hours connecting from home after hours and on weekends—and allows his employees to do likewise in order to efficiently handle the more than 30,000 requests they receive each year. By building his own business on the principals he encourages in his clients, his business has seen 30-percent growth each year. HBM


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