Entrepreneur James McKinney App for Restaurant Owners Returns to the Market

Success Story SimpleDeal
Success Story SimpleDeal

By Alonia Jones

SimpleDeal is a one of a kind, on-the-go experience that easily converts everyday foot traffic for restaurants into immediate consumers. Thanks to founder James McKinney and Chief Creative Officer Christian Rossi, SimpleDeal returned to the marketplace, re-launched and expanded to New York City on February 21, 2017. Initially released in 2014 in Long Beach, California, SimpleDeal was designed to give restaurants the ability to engage their fans on a 1:1 basis at the exact moment a buying decision is being made. As app users search for a place to dine, they can simply point their phone at any restaurant of choice, tap a button to show current deals and offerings, and make an instant decision.

Started as a home business with a laptop, his dining room table and a pot of coffee, McKinney worked in the very late hours of the evening after his day job. The challenge with this schedule was that most of his resources (partners, designer, developer, etc.) worked on reverse hours. Now that SimpleDeal is live, McKinney’s hours have shifted to include daytime hours and therefore he has the ability to contact his partners and development team statusnotquo.com at any time.

Met with rave reviews by both end users and restaurant owners alike, SimpleDeal’s mobile branding and UX design received the Gold Telly Award as a symbol of its creative excellence. The app was also selected as a preferred partner to Chefs’ Toys, further validating the brand’s mission of helping restaurants.

SimpleDeal savored the sweet taste of success, but not without challenges. Financial resources were drained as the company perfected its point and tap technicalities. After McKinney met Rossi, owner of Status Not Quo, the two strategically blended their knowledge and expertise, subsequently making SimpleDeal’s rebirth nothing less than magnificent.

McKinney states, “Our engagement platform enables the restaurant owner or manager to drive their business in a way that is best for their business. On a slow night, unique offers can be extended, or a sense of urgency for redemption can be made by creating limited offers available. As consumers explore more locations and build upon their ‘Fave’ list, they increase their opportunities to be extended direct deals from locations or rewards from them because of their loyalty.”

Consumers are ready to dine. Restaurants are ready to serve. SimpleDeal brings them together! Visit http://simpledealapp.com.


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