Digital Media Force Ryan Sprance Loses Corporate Job and Builds Entrepreneurial Empire

Ryan Sprance

By Regan Long

The world is beginning to give attention to the man with no formal college education who turned the loss of a successful corporate job into becoming arguably one of the most profound days in his professional career.

Meet Ryan Sprance, one of the most successful digital marketing experts in the country.

After no true justification, on May 1, 2018, Ryan Sprance was fired from his job. However, since March of 2013, Sprance has been building a side hustle. If you have yet to hear of Kaihatsu Media, it’s the agency that very well may have given birth to and deemed Sprance as the Social Media Guru.

As Sprance began his social media and content marketing agency, he was generating just $1,000 a month in revenue, struggling to get his business off the ground. With 2019 coming to a close, Sprance has grown Kaihatsu Media to be projected to hit $1 million in sales after their first full year of operation.

Ryan Sprance

In a society that leaves any business or entrepreneur with no choice but to rely on social media, Sprance and his team focus on helping develop brand awareness and sales growth through various platforms. As Founder and Chief Strategist, Sprance created a company that diligently tackles digital marketing while developing influencer marketing programs.

Kaihatsu Media services areas like website design and focuses on social media strategy through Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. We live in a time that no matter what product you’re selling or service you’re offering, people are always buying the individual and/or company first. Sprance prides his company on delivering world-class service in developing online reputation management.

One would think that his agency would be more than enough to encapsulate Sprance’s full attention, but among many other things, he is also the Creator & Editor-In-Chief of which is a men’s lifestyle media company that is focused on fashion, fitness, grooming, gadgets and “guy stuff”.

The Stylish Man is a verified Flipboard publisher with over an astounding 52 million views. Sprance has created a media reach of 3 million+ across Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, Flipboard and LinkedIn.

The most inspiring part about this is that Sprance created this as a side hustle while working his previous demanding full-time corporate job. Despite that being the most often used excuse for people to stop before they even start, Sprance is the epitome of hustle. “I either needed to commit the time and effort needed to grow my own business or set it aside and always wonder what could have been.”

Ryan Sprance

Despite Sprance’s social media presence appearing most impressive, he has remained authentic along the entire journey. He has always provided transparency in what he was working on behind the scenes, involving his followers and asking for their insight on what they wanted to see, which has added to his organic growth.

Sprance is also the Co-founder and Managing Partner of AWESTRUCK which is the new, full-spectrum digital media agency focused on the travel, tourism, hospitality, and entertainment verticals. Its combination of data harvesting technology coupled with branding and story-telling expertise help capture opportunities that most businesses never knew even existed.

Sprance also has the distinguished honor of being on the Forbes Agency Council, which is an invitation-only organization for owners and executives of successful public relations, media strategy, creative, and advertising agencies. Criteria to even be accepted in this elite group includes a long running list of personal and professional achievements as well as a heavily weighted impact on business growth metrics. Sprance has not just met the requirements but consistently proves to be in the top of his industry, continuing to share cutting-edge leadership in the realm of digital media.

With 2019 ending, Sprance leads his team to remain heavily focused on execution for their clients. Their aim remains to always deliver superior results that are far above their clients’ expectations. Looking into 2020, he already plans to build a stronger community of people that approach him not only for services but guidance, too.

The end of next year is also bringing us something new to expect from Sprance. A deal was just signed, and his first book is scheduled to be released in late 2020. Early details show it will help inspire and provide tactical training for people starting a business over the age of 40.

The world is beginning to look more than once to Ryan Sprance who has continually failed forward. “Failure, as long as it is framed correctly in your mind, is a powerful motivator,” he shares. “I took a ‘burn the boat’ mentality by deleting my resume to be sure I would not apply for another corporate position. I was going to succeed as an entrepreneur or die trying.”

It’s suffice to say we are witnessing the birth and evolution of one of the most significant digital media forces in our time. Visit

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