Dadpreneur Nathan DeMetz Turns His Passion for Fitness into a Moneymaker

Nathan DeMetz

Nathan DeMetz runs an online business from home (Nathan DeMetz Personal Training). He is also a stay-at-home dad. Every day, DeMetz juggles the “myriad of responsibilities that come with both jobs.” And if you do not think being a stay-at-home dad is a job, you are mistaken.

For the first 12 years of his working life, DeMetz worked in labor or low management in the auto and hospitality industries. During most of this time, he was also an avid gym goer and enjoyed working out with, learning from, and helping other people achieve health and fitness goals. It would be some time before he made this interest a moneymaker.

At 26, DeMetz decided his future was not what he saw around him. Over the next few years, he went to college, began working in an office setting, and trained people as a side gig. Eventually, he transitioned to online project management as a freelancer, working with companies and people across the globe, while still training on the side. Around this time, he also met his wife Grace.

Nathan DeMetz

It was not until a few years ago, when freelancing for a large online marketplace, that he felt his career had stalled and that he needed to make another change. This time, he decided to turn his interest into a moneymaker, at the age of 35. Since then, he has run Nathan DeMetz Personal Training as a full-time business, opting to provide services online due to the scalable nature. Last year, Grace gave birth to their first child together, DeMetz’s second daughter Amelia. It was at this time that he became a full-time stay-at-home dad along with being a home-based business owner.

Like any business, Nathan DeMetz Personal Training has ongoing tasks related to accounting, marketing, customer service, and other areas, such as project management. While the company is very small, with only three employees, the group hires agencies and freelancers for various tasks such as application development, website design, social media marketing, and SEO. Nathan spearheads most of these tasks and related projects, being hands on with the direction of the business. “The business is my future,” says DeMetz, “and I want to take care of that future.”

Beyond the business tasks, DeMetz must take care of one of his two daughters daily. His wife Grace works away from home, and while the couple could take their youngest, 18-month old Amelia, to daycare, he enjoys having her at home every day. “Working from home provides me the opportunity to spend more time with Amelia, to see the care she receives daily, and to be part of that.” To help balance out his day, Nathan hired a “catch all” assistant to help with Amelia, website maintenance, and other tasks, such as PO Box mail pick-up and business planning.

Nathan DeMetz

With the help of Grace, the assistant, and the freelancers/agencies, DeMetz managed to double business income over the past two years, cut expenses by 30 percent, and develop a better long-term strategy for the business. At the same time, he is able to spend large amounts of quality time with his youngest daughter and see defining childhood moments, such as first words, first crawl, and first steps. DeMetz credits taking care of his youngest for making him drive harder in the business. “Amelia being here all day, plus managing business and life responsibilities, has made me take a harder look at where I can be more efficient with my time, where I can improve processes, and where I need to let someone else do the work.” According to DeMetz, this has meant streamlining client-facing processes such as intake and program modification, outsourcing more in some areas such as social media, while being more hands-on in others such as SEO, and switching technologies, such as accounting software, to platforms that allow his team to do more and work more efficiently.

Making six figures is not getting rich, well at least not quickly, but it supplies the DeMetz family with money for now and the future, while also providing a flexible schedule that allows more quality family time. DeMetz notes, “It can be stressful at times, but the opportunities afforded to me are well worth it. We have a plan that looks to 2025 and the future is bright.” He also has advice for anyone thinking about going into business for themselves. “Just do it. Chase your dream. If you wait, you will forever work as an employee chasing someone else’s dream instead of being an entrepreneur chasing your own. Learn to pull the trigger.” Visit

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