Anthony Garland: Realtor with a Natural Propensity to Drive Profitable Investments

Anthony Garland
Photo Credit: nickskillz

Real estate investing is a lucrative option for wealth creation. With housing demand continuously rising in the U.S. market, real estate investing brings many opportunities for investors looking to generate positive cash flow in the long run. However, for many, leveraging this opportunity can be intimidating with all the complexities of acquiring and managing a property. Even the most experienced investors sometimes fall back when the deal is a disaster or if their investment fails to generate expected returns. That is why it is always a good idea to take the help of an expert professional who knows the industry better.

Anthony Garland, a trusted Managing Broker from Chicago, IL, and the founder of full-service brokerage firm AGG Realty Group, is a knowledgeable and experienced professional whose ultimate goal is ensuring that investors find the best deals that fit their plans and goals. Over the past five years, Anthony has built a reputation as a trusted realtor known for his extraordinary customer service, uncompromising integrity, and exceptional skills that drive maximum client profitability.

A Bit About Anthony Garland’s Career History

Before starting his career in real estate, Anthony Garland studied aviation at Hampton University, an HBCU located in Hampton, VA. After graduating in 2014, Anthony’s keen desire to start his own business led him to open a catering business with his father, eventually opening a restaurant in 2018. However, the food business didn’t seem to align with his entrepreneurial vision. So, he decided to pursue his passion in the real estate industry. He worked in the sales department for a home remodeling company until his real estate business picked up. He worked there for about three years before becoming a full-time investor and broker in 2021.

What Inspired Anthony to Start His Own Company?

After becoming successful with his first flip in real estate, Anthony fell in love with the real estate investing process. He realized that many people wanted to or had invested in real estate before, but the amount of work involved in closing the deal was so intimidating that many never started or finished. This realization inspired him to start AGG Realty Group. Anthony says, “Although my experience was pretty intimidating as well, I was able to assemble a team and implement a system that allowed the process to be very smooth.” So, he decided to use his team and system to drive profitability for other aspiring investors as well. That was how AGG Realty came into existence.

About AGG Realty Group

Anthony describes AGG Realty Group as a real estate brokerage firm with complete wraparound services for real estate investors. Anthony says, “We represent our investors on all ends of investing in real estate as a buyer or seller. We provide property management, construction management, and consulting.” The primary objective of AGG Realty Group is to make real estate investing easy for investors and to guide them in the right direction to achieve their short- and long-term goals.

Anthony Garland
Photo Credit: nickskillz

How Does Anthony Garland Promote AGG Realty Group?

Anthony leverages social media and word of mouth for most of their brand promotion. “We accept clients on a referral basis only. However, we are also open to outside clients, depending on their goals and if we believe they will be a good fit for our services,” says Anthony.

The Primary Targets of AGG Reality Group

According to Anthony Garland, the primary targets of AGG Reality Group are new real estate investors looking for a complete solution to accomplish their real estate goals with the least amount of stress and worry.

Anthony’s Best Business Achievement

Telling about his best business achievement, Anthony says that since the inception of AGG Reality Group, they have been able to help 5 investors close and complete 11 deals with their complete wraparound service. They are also consistently working with 7 investors at a time and sold over $4.2 million in real estate last year. They accomplished all this by working out of a home office. Anthony also plans to open his first brick-and-mortar physical location before the summer of 2023.

Advantages of Working from Home for Anthony

According to Anthony, the primary advantage of working from home is the low overhead. It also gives him enough time to examine the growth opportunities for his business without spending much. Working from home also allows him to spend more time with his kids, which Anthony says is one of the most underrated advantages people take for granted. “The time I was able to spend with my family and successfully grow my business is something I will be grateful for forever,” he adds. Lastly, Anthony believes working from home motivates him to get out and find new ways to promote his business through networking.

Anthony Garland’s Outlook for the Future

Anthony Garland has a very optimistic outlook toward the future of his business. In the next 3 years, he sees AGG Realty Group with 7 highly trained and committed agents working with 50 clients, consistently helping them to achieve their real estate investing goals. At the same time, Anthony also envisions his property management service managing over 200 units across the Chicago land area and his construction management servicing not only their clients but clients looking for help outside their network. Lastly, he hopes to see AGG Realty Group using its resources to build better communities for underserved neighborhoods.  IG: @ AGGREALTYGROUP

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