Alice Berg Leaves Waitressing Job to Become a Co-founder of First Online AI Resume Builder

Alice Berg
Alice Berg

Many of us dream about having a private business to run. We aim to create everything as we’ll like it and bring our vision to life; make our dreams finally come true. However, not every person knows exactly how to launch a brand, not to mention that lots of us are just too afraid even to start doing something. That can’t be said about Alice Berg, who has seen it all and gone from rags to riches.

Alice has always been a curious child, passionate about helping others and always being there for a friend in trouble. Once she finished school, where she was known as an easy-going girl, Alice went to the University of Bath in the UK. She received a degree in Social Work and Applied Social Studies. Back then, her professional life consisted of a waitress’ tray, red and white uniform and sleepless nights. After graduation, she decided to have some time for herself and take it slowly, so Miss Berg started her career as an in-house writer at a human resources company. This was a starting point for her further professional life and determined her path in work.

The experience of creating unique content for the HR firm altered Alice’s view of the whole industry and encouraged her to try her hand at a job as a recruiting specialist. As an HR manager, Alice Berg looked through dozens of resumes, cover letters and motivational letters. She was amazed by the struggle job seekers are facing in the process of looking for a desirable place of employment. It turned out that people find it challenging to generate a quality resume, which will stand out from the crowd, so this was the moment she came up with the business idea.

“At the very beginning it was just a crazy idea to help job seekers with resume creation,” says Miss Berg. After careful consideration and hours of browsing the web, Alice Berg understood that this was her chance to spring into action. “Don’t fool yourself into thinking that it was easy, cause it wasn’t. I could sleep three hours a day, eat a yogurt and keep writing a business plan, polishing the marketing strategy and searching for business partners,” confesses Miss Berg. In seven months, the luck finally turned to her as she found some business partners who supported her idea of the online resume builder and invested in her vision. That’s how Skillroads appeared.

The company, which was first conceived as a resume writing service developed into a unique career platform with more than seven services. “I think that bringing this wild idea to life is my biggest achievement,” states Miss Berg. Nowadays her company is a top-ranked organization, which deals with video cover letters, CV design and provides its users with various career tips. At the first outset, Skillroads was a free Internet tool, which helped each user to create a resume. Alice and her partners collaborated with IT specialists, who created an unusual concept of the whole process of resume creation. They offered not only to collaborate with professional resume writers but also to develop existing offices into odd services, which will conduct each resume for free by using unique Artificial Intelligence systems, which they produced. This concept was successfully integrated into Skillroads and brought the whole brand to a new level.

Further on, Alice’s company set up an added function of a cover letter builder and CV editing service. Taking into account technological developments, constant changes in the job search market and latest tendencies among hiring managers, Skillroads established a function of LinkedIn profile editing. “Yes, this was a huge move for us, for the whole company. Nowadays recruiters tend to browse social media before inviting an applicant to have an interview. And LinkedIn is the first in the row here,” states Miss Berg.

The life story of Alice Berg encourages us to keep trying, developing and pushing ourselves to achieve everything we’ve planned. Interestingly, Miss Berg, a successful businesswoman and a co-founder of Skillroads company, isn’t planning to rest on her laurels and reveals her subsequent intentions and desires. “We don’t want to stop there. We see that there is more to create and we’re already working on implementing the feature of resume examples. With the help of this function, every job seeker will be able to understand how resumes can look, vary and what tricks are used.” Moreover, Miss Berg’s team is also considering carrying out a function of browsing cover letter templates, which will come in handy for various groups of people, as the target audience of the whole business is every person looking for a job. Therefore, she expects Skillroads to transform into a leading career platform in the near future.

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