5 Secrets Behind the Success of an Immigrant Millionaire

Dmitry and Bianca Richie

From Coach-to-First Class

In 2011, Dmitry Richie’s bank account had a negative balance. He had no money, no job and no American college degree. In just a few short years, he completely turned what looked like a dire situation into a life most people only see on television. At 21 years-old, he moved to the U.S. from Russia with his eyes set on living the American dream. Today, he is living proof that aspiring entrepreneurs can turn nothing into a company worth millions. Richie learned that the key to being successful is finding a way to make other people’s lives easier. That’s when he founded his company, IFlyFirstClass, a travel agency that sells deeply discounted first and business tickets without having to build up miles and points. Once he started his company, he risked everything and never looked back. After many trials and errors, he is sharing the top 5 things every aspiring entrepreneur should know before starting a business.

1. Make Mistakes

Do not be afraid to make mistakes and fail. The sooner you start making mistakes, the sooner you start learning. You can always come back from a negative experience. If you lost money, but you learned you gained knowledge which is much more valuable than the money you may have lost. Investing in yourself is never a waste.

2. Hunt for Experience

A degree does not equal success. The more experience you have the more you can learn. Work for a small business. Learn from the owner of the business, observe their successes and failures. It is not until then that you should start building your own company.

3. Get Uncomfortable

If you want to achieve something, you have to be uncomfortable. Start trying new things and force yourself into doing something you are afraid of doing. I used to be terrified of public speaking, I forced myself to get on the stage and learn and had breakthroughs in my fear and to success.

4. Find a Mentor

Find somebody to look up to and study. This doesn’t have to be someone you personally know. With social media you can follow many people’s lives and steps to their success. Do your research to find out how they achieved what they have.

5. Stay Hungry

Every business needs attention every single day. Many people start to make money then begin to get lazy. With 7 billion people in the world, there is huge competition. If you aren’t constantly reinventing your business and finding angles you can correct your business will fail. Always think about what you want to do next and keep moving forward.

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