A Surprising Reason to Keep a Beautiful Smile

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People judge other people based on their smile. Is that fair? It might not be but it’s true. People will react positively to beautiful and healthy teeth. They will probably react negatively to stained, yellow, and disjointed teeth.

Research backs this up. Sit tight because some of the facts are a little shocking.

  • Two in five Americans will NOT go on a second date with someone who has crooked teeth.
  • Over 50% believe that people with bad teeth will be less likely to land a good job.
  • The correct alignment of visible teeth can be a catalyst for success, popularity, and a good first impression.
  • Michelle Callahan said, “Your smile has more of an effect on what others perceive about you than you think.”
  • Many adults are extremely worried about how their smile might impact their chances for employment or advancement in a competitive job market.
  • Many people are also reentering the dating scene after a divorce and are looking for a more attractive, youthful appearance – starting with their teeth.

This data comes from the well-known Kelton Study which was conducted on behalf of several medical companies. Researchers showed images of people with crooked teeth and healthy teeth to 1,047 Americans. The study proved that people judge people based on the health of their teeth. It’s a vital part of that all-important first impression. Over one-third of the people in the study said they based a first impression on someone’s teeth.

So there’s no doubt about the facts. Healthy-looking teeth can impact someone’s personal and professional life. Fortunately, it’s remarkably affordable to maintain excellent teeth.

FINALLY – Making Healthy Teeth Affordable

Healthy teeth can be a strong indication of strong overall health. There are also the professional and social benefits. Fortunately, it’s easier than ever to have the “teeth of your dreams.”

That’s because Guardian Insurance is making dental insurance affordable. It’s always an excellent idea to look seriously at dental insurance. The insurance can maintain your dental health plus help with dental emergencies – and help you keep a magnificent smile.

Guardian is a company with a 150-year track record of providing insurance to Americans. The company provides one of the most comprehensive dental plans in the market – with low payments. Click here now to discover more about the benefits of dental insurance. It’s an excellent idea for families and individuals.

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