Do You Pay Your Credit Cards on Time? Get Rewarded for Being Responsible
As you know, in 2008, the economy collapsed due to mortgage fraud by greedy bankers. This meant 18 million people lost their jobs and ruined their credit because they could no longer make payments. As a result, many people lost homes, cars, and even spouses. Now that the economy is getting better, a lot of people have regained jobs and want to reestablish a strong credit rating.
Step 1
That’s where you come in. We send you the names of these people and ask that you put them on your credit cards as authorized users. From there, you call the 800 number on the back of your card and tell the credit card company that you would like to add John Doe onto your credit card as an authorized user.
Step 2
A week later, you receive a credit card in the mail with John Doe’s name on it. Once you have it in your hands, simply cut it up into 100 pieces to ensure no one ever gets your credit card or card number. The credit card company will only send a card to your address. Even if someone else were to get your card, they would not be able to activate it without first dialing the 800 number on the back and correctly answering a myriad of security questions that no one knows but you.
Step 3
Two or three weeks later, we run a credit report on John Doe. If your credit card and the credit card history show up on two out of three credit reports, you get paid for helping raise their credit score. The more cards you have, the more money you make. Some people have told us that this sounds too good to be true. In reality, it is good and it is true.
For more information, www.cash4yourgoodcredit.com.