How Sales Teams Can Empower Field Work Through Sales Enablement Software

Sales Team
Photo by MART PRODUCTION from Pexels

Every industry has its fair share of competition, but many would agree that sales teams often have the most challenging job. The sales industry is ever-evolving, and new trends, technologies, and strategies are being introduced now and then. Suppose you’re a sales manager who still clings to traditional sales marketing methods. In that case, you might run into several issues related to increasing sales, managing field teams, and enhancing productivity, among others. If you want to stay afloat and beat the competition, it’s high time you consider innovative sales enablement solutions.

As a sales leader, it is your responsibility to lead your field sales team to identify and execute the right sales tactics. You must also be aware of the available tools on the market to help your team implement winning strategies and achieve optimal results.

Today, there are plenty of sales enablement solutions that are positively changing the marketing and sales industry’s landscape. These tools enable sales teams to build a collaborative and result-driven selling approach. Furthermore, sales enablement solutions also provide the sales team with valuable information that it can use to enhance its clients’ experience.

If you’re still reluctant to make the switch, perhaps reading the benefits you can get from integrating sales enablement solutions into your sales and marketing process might change your mind:

1. Streamline document storage, access, and management

Sales work involves tons of sales decks, proposals, and other materials, and most teams tend to disperse these documents across different storage or management systems. However, this set-up might hinder the sales team from moving quickly. Fortunately, sales enablement solutions can be used to streamline the process of storing and managing important documents. If there’s a single file location that is secure, efficient, and easy to access, the sales team will save a lot of time and effort. Instead of spending time rummaging across unorganized files, your staff can be working on a more crucial task.

As reported by Reborn Cabinets, a remodeling company based in Southern California, their overall productivity had increased by 25% following the integration of a cloud-based sales enablement software. Its features include digital forms and checklists as well as e-signatures.

2. Tailor sales pitch according to the clients’ unique needs

There is a standard sales pitch that amateur sales marketers often use. However, while it might sound helpful at first, there is no way it can take you far in the game. Today, business owners and clients have grown more demanding about the services they hire. They will choose the sales team that can delve deep into their needs and problems, the one that can provide them with specific insights and solutions. If you have sales enablement tools in place that can provide information tailored to a particular customer, you can quickly get through the company’s core. Furthermore, you can understand the business and come up with a winning sales pitch.

3. Access to up-to-date information and developments

As the business goes into operation for years, the documents will pile up. There will be old versions, and there would be new ones. This accumulation of documents can easily make room for pricing inconsistencies, outdated materials, and information inaccuracy. Without access to up-to-date information and trends, the sales team’s effort can quickly go to waste. Worse, it can cost the company a considerable amount of money.

Fortunately, sales asset management software allows teams to access the most updated version of marketing documents, eliminating the occurrence of mistakes and confusion.

4. Monitor the performance of a field sales agent in real time

With the traditional approach, it proves as a challenge to check if every team member performed their duties and responsibilities. With the help of a sales enablement software, you can quickly check if your staff had visited a client, shared new contracts, or managed to send invoices on time. With access to a real-time document, you can quickly check if a contract is missing essential details such as a customer signature, avoid delays and errors, and keep track of the progress.

5. Improve training programs and onboarding of sales team members

Regardless of your field sales team’s size, you should never take for granted the importance of proper training. Guiding them as they evolve into competent and reliable sales agents can make all the difference in the team’s performance. With the right tools that can equip them with valuable information, they can develop their skills even more and will be able to do their jobs more effectively. As emphasized by the Sales Management Association, an increase of 29% in sales training effectiveness was achieved by companies that have integrated sales enablement software.

A powerful sales enablement software allows you to make accurate price lists and compelling sales presentations. Furthermore, it can help you manage contracts, capture e-signatures, and distribute supporting marketing assets efficiently and in real time. Start experiencing significant changes in the way you do business by taking advantage of the sales enablement solutions!

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