Kelly Roach – Podcast – Live Launch – Throw Out All the Rules in Building Your Business

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Listen to Sound-Only Podcast BLOG TALK RADIOHome Business PodcastKelly Roach, speaker and best-selling author, is interviewed. In launching your business, what if you threw out all the traditional formulas and simplified everything? Kelly Roach did just that in creating her “Live Launch” model, that relies on intuition and human connection. Kelly is a former NFL Cheerleader turned business executive and mogul who now helps build record-breaking teams. Known as a business catalyst, Kelly Roach ( helps business owners become change agents and achieve breakthroughs in their business.Kelly Roach

Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview Kelly Roach, about how you should “Forget the formulas and automation and ‘best practices,” and bring it back to interacting with people. For business success, create that human connection.

Subjects discussed in Podcast include:

  • Let’s meet Kelly Roach, a featured expert on several networks, best-selling author and host of the Top 100 Marketing and Management podcast.
  • The core of her success philosophy with the “Live Launch” business model
  • What makes the “Live Launch” model different from the more traditional launch strategies?How do you incorporate Live Launch one-on-one with a small business team?Advice for business owners when starting their teams
  • How do you adapt the “Live Launch” model to a home business?

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Episode Sponsor: City America *

Interview Guest:

Kelly Roach
Kelly Roach is a former NFL Cheerleader turned business executive, “Catalyst,” author and speaker who helps build record-breaking teams.














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