How to Boost Your Sales Without Sacrificing Who You Are

speed-sellingAs a home-based entrepreneur, there are always a million things on your mind. How do you find time to sell? And sell right? And fast? International Bestselling Author of Speed Selling: The Fast Track to Double Your Sales Without Sacrificing Who You Are, Andreea Mihalcea talks about this subject today.

Did you post that message on Facebook? Did you send the newsletter this week? Did you pay that supplier from last month? Was it on the right account? Oh, and there is that one page on your website that you desperately want to fix for two months now. Your product needs constant improvement; customers reach out with questions and, even worse! Complaints! You really need to move in this direction now! Make it a priority to solve the complaint. I know and you know I could go on like this for the whole length of this article. We could even put together a small book listing all the tasks that a home business implies.

The problem arises when doing all of these keep you so busy that there is no more time for selling. And if there is no time for selling, pretty soon there will be no business. So addressing time management from this perspective changes the game completely. It becomes a MUST. Tony Robbins says “You don’t create your objectives; you create your musts,” and it’s because unless you decide something to be a MUST, it never gets done.

This being said, it becomes obvious that boosting your sales starts with creating time for selling. Allocate the most prolific time of the day to selling. Start your morning with planning the sales tasks and then do them. Before doing anything else, plan, contact, meet and sell.  There are tons of great materials out there on time management. One of my personal favourites, is the Pomodoro technique. Try a couple and see what suits you best. But after you have allocated time for selling, it could be hard for you to get that done. If it does, commit to helping a friend get better at sales. You would meet every day to discuss his sales strategy and you do your best to help him out. In no time, you would have created a space dedicated to selling.

Once you’ve created the time for that, and to make sure change is permanent, you need to get into the persona of a highly successful sales person. Gerry Robert talks in his international bestseller Millionaire Mindset about the best way he found to taking charge of your subconscious mind and use its power to obtain what you want.

It’s a very simple exercise called The Captain and the Crew and it basically says that you write your hearts desires and feel the feeling of having them already accomplished, on a new piece of paper every day.

Related to sales, my favourite heart desires are, “Everything I touch turns to gold”; “Every person I meet wants to do business with me”; “I have a 100% close rate and all my customers are happy and love my business”; and “I make new sales of $__.000 every month.”

So jot down these affirmations or similar ones every single day. Slowly you will be impersonating this awesome salesman who never gets a NO for an answer. And when he does, he changes it around in a heartbeat!

You may be wondering when are the selling tips coming up? Wonder no more! Always keep this in mind and you’re on a great path to sales success:

  1. Flexibility is the key to 100% close rate. Flexibility means as you go in a meeting, the only question that should go through your mind is, “How can I help him? How can I help him? How can I help him?” The answer may be that your standard offer is perfect for him or it may be that you need to bring in more resources and experiences from other projects. The fact of the matter is if the two of you are at that table, you have no excuse not to sell him something. What is that something? It’s up to you to figure it out as you LISTEN to your prospect.
  1. When using social media for selling, remember neither Facebook, Twitter, Youtube nor Snapchat are your Advertising billboards. You don’t need Ads there; you need real human connection and relationship building. You give value first, second and third and then you sell.
  1. Write a book to establish yourself as an expert in your field, gain free publicity and make your prospects come to you! This is by far one of the most under-utilized marketing techniques out there. If you want to learn more about it, you can join for FREE on the 8 Steps to Publishing Success webinar, which I am hosting regularly. This is an amazing concept developed by Gerry Robert, bestselling author of Millionaire Mindset and Multiply Your Business, which shows you the A to Z of entrepreneurial publishing in a nutshell.

For a limited time, Andreea is offering a FREE webinar – the 8 Steps to Publishing Success. Reserve your seats today here.

About Andreea Mihalcea

Ms. Andreea Mihalcea is a sales and marketing expert helping young entrepreneurs, sales professionals, and high achievers multiply their income with integrity. She wrote the book, Speed Selling: The Fast Track To Double Your Sales Without Sacrificing Who You Are.

In her book, Andreea deconstructs the laws of sales and marketing, providing valuable insights on the art and science of ethical selling and leadership.

After becoming a certified trainer, Andreea became involved in educational projects, promoting the entrepreneurial culture in the Romania—projects. These projects helped more than 10,000 entrepreneurs who aimed at starting up new businesses, to create meaningful brands, and achieve great levels of success with integrity.

Andreea started her own sales and marketing consulting service in order to assist SME owners, young entrepreneurs and sales professionals who desire to make a difference, and create the “insanely great” in their own field of activity. She defines success based on the impact an idea, activity or business has in the lives of consumers, and strongly believes there is more to selling than persuasion and manipulation techniques.

Marketing without empathy is like helping an old lady cross the street when she only wants to stand by the sidewalk and wait for the bus. – ANDREEA MIHALCEA


Book Info:

Book Title: Speed Selling

Subtitle:  The Fast Track to Double Your Sales Without Sacrificing Who You Are

Release Date:  September 9, 2016

ISBN:  978-1-77204-322-8

Email Address:


Phone Number:   +40 7707 32701

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