Jeff English Hoboken Discusses 5 Ingenious Ways to Drive More Leads to Your Graphic Design Business

Graphic Designer
Photo by Sarah Pflug from Burst

The graphic design business is getting increasingly competitive. Everywhere you look, there are hopeful freelancers and business owners offering illustration and graphic design services to potential leads. However, this fact shouldn’t be a discouragement to you, especially if you’re a graphic design business owner.

According to Jeff English Hoboken, a successful graphic design business CEO in NYC, there are many ways to drive high-quality clients to your website or social media. He attributes his success to these clever ideas compiled from many years of experience, attending seminars, and reviewing courses. In this post, Jeffrey English Hoboken shares his most effective tips for having more leads in your graphic design company.

Your company logo says it all.

This may seem commonsensical, but oftentimes creating an impressive logo is all it takes to impress a potential lead. According to Jeff English Hoboken, the company logo is usually the first “graphical” thing that your leads will see. Having a less-than-stellar logo will make them think that your graphic output won’t be much better.

Thus, having a creative logo that reflects the style of your market is key. For example, if you’re catering to graphic designs for IT businesses, show a logo that is professional and minimalist-looking. Graphic design for events such as weddings should reflect a light, airy, and attractive logo. These are just some suggestions that could help you get more leads in the future.

Select your best five.

Jeffrey English Hoboken suggests that your portfolio should consist of your best five previous works. Each sample should be covering any sub-specialties you may have. Going back to the example of events graphic designer, it is ideal to have samples for birthdays, weddings, corporate functions, and so forth.

This will help potential leads see your expertise in each sub-field. Continuously improve and update your portfolio if needed, as graphic design businesses also commonly sharpen the quality of their work overtime.

However, be open to client suggestions as well. Jeff Hoboken’s graphic design company in NYC also specializes in custom designs. Clients can choose to submit photos or videos of the ‘look and feel’ that they desire. According to Mr. Hoboken, he suggests inquiring clients to look for ideas on websites such as Pinterest. This can serve as an inspiration for the customers’ desired output when they can’t fully describe it verbally.

Offer your services in places where people look for them.

Thankfully, graphic design services aren’t confined based on geographic location. This means that you can find a large pool of clients on websites for freelancers. This is especially helpful if you’re just starting on your business and want to build a large client base. You may begin looking for clients and offering your services on websites such as:

These are websites where clients and freelancers usually meet, and people who have achieved some success start at similar freelancing hubs. When you have a steady pool of clients, this can be the time where you can increase your rates and find leads elsewhere.

Create engaging content.

Having more leads also means creating content that puts you in an “authoritative figure” spot. You may start creating content that interests your market. For example, you can create blog posts, social media posts, or videos that help clients to:

  • Increase their website visitors using graphic designs
  • Improve customer satisfaction by utilizing quality graphics
  • Achieve their goals by having top-notch illustrations and other visual content

These are some powerful topics you can use to entice potential leads to contact your business. Your content topic matters because it also determines the type of people who will be looking at your blog, channel, or website.

Present package offers.

Package offers are a great way for potential leads to perceive that their money goes a long way. You can present package offers to help see customers that they are saving money by availing a bundle of your services.

For example, you can offer bundle packages for the website and social media design. You can offer to create graphics for a company’s website as well as social media pages for the price of one. If you’re a book graphic designer, you can present a discount when they claim your service for 3 consecutive books that they have.

This strategy can maximize the volume of services that potential leads will avail, plus, they will gain the mindset that they’re saving more by choosing the packages.

If you are at your wit’s end trying to look for lead-generating strategies that could work in your graphic design business, Jeffrey English Hoboken suggests using these tips. Although it is a competitive niche, you can be one step ahead by implementing a couple of these smart yet simple ideas.

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