Top 5 Proven Ways to Promote ClickFunnels as an Affiliate

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Photo by Retha Ferguson from Pexels

ClickFunnels is a software that helps easily automate sales and saves you from creating all those sales pages, landing pages, and checkout pages. ClickFunnels is currently the best tool to generate sales, which is why it’s very important to promote it as an affiliate.

Why Promote ClickFunnels?

Aside from being the best tool for generating sales, there are other reasons why you should promote ClickFunnels. The tool itself is very reliable and has been regularly updated to make things more efficient.

Lifetime recurring revenue is the ultimate selling point of this software. Meaning, when you are able to get someone to buy something from your funnel link, they will be tracked until the end of time.

Even if they buy a free book, they will be tracked, and you will get commissions from any product they buy through any funnels.

Sounds amazing, right?

They do the tracking using something called sticky cookies.

In most cases, you can get high commissions in one-and-done deals. The commissions can range from 5%-80%, but ClickFunnels will give you a 40% commission at a recurring rate.

That’s not all! You will also get a 5% commission on everything your affiliate makes.

How to Be an Affiliate for ClickFunnels?

This is very straightforward if you are already a user. You just have to simply click on your account at the top right corner and click on “affiliates”. You will find a link there that will automatically give you your affiliate links.

If you want to join the ClickFunnels affiliate program, you have to become a member first. Once you become an affiliate, you can find tons of resources that you can use. You will find email swipes, banners, free trials, and free boot camps as well.

Now that we have all that sorted out, here are the top ways you can promote ClickFunnels as an affiliate.

1. Promote Through Facebook

Facebook is the biggest social media platform, so there will obviously be ways to use this website for purposes other than socially connecting with people. Here is how you can use Facebook to promote this tool.

Step 1. Promote Using Your Profile

If you are going to use your personal profile to promote ClickFunnels, then you must treat it properly. Think of your profile as a business card. This means it should have all the crucial information in an organized way so people can easily understand you mean business.

Write a smart, engaging bio. Provide useful information through your profile, and don’t abuse your account by spamming your friends with links.

Step 2. Promote Through a Facebook Group

It is best to create your own group. The group does not necessarily have to be related to affiliate marketing, but it needs reliable members who will engage with you and help promote those links by buying products.

In order to do that, you will need to fully customize your group. Add a detailed description of the group, which will include instructions on how to carry out tasks. Also, add a downloadable sheet that has all the affiliate links. Most importantly, maintain high engagement.

Step 3. Use Facebook Ads

You can either use a paid promotion strategy or make your own videos and start your own campaign. You can use your videos to retarget customers to your links.

2. Promote Through YouTube

YouTube is a great platform for affiliate marketing. The type of videos mostly used here are product review videos, and these are extremely useful and effective when you want to promote a product or service. The same goes for ClickFunnels.

In case you are wondering what type of videos you should make, then try these out:

  • Make small tutorial videos in which you review all the functions of the software.
  • Make comparison videos to show how and why this tool is so much better than the rest.

But remember to optimize your videos so your audience can find them easily. Here is how you can optimize your videos:

Step 1. Use High-ranking Keywords

Before making the videos, you should search for high-ranking keywords to see what the audience really wants to watch. This will give you a much better idea of which topics you can make videos about.

Step 2. Use Optimized Video Descriptions

Use a few high-ranking keywords in the description if you can, but make sure to avoid keywords stuffing.

Step 3. Use CTAs

The purpose of the videos is to guide the people. So, use CTAs in overlays and annotations.

Step 4. Use Short URLs

This has no technical impact. However, long URLs are just unpleasant to the eyes. You can use to shorten your URLs and make everything look cleaner.

Step 5. Share Them on Other Social Platforms

To make sure your videos and links get a wider reach, ask your friends to share your videos from their profiles on different social platforms.

3. Promote Through Blogs

When it comes to promoting through blogs, you can use the similar methods described above for YouTube.

In this case, you will have to write quality content, and the whole writing procedures will be similar to any market affiliated write-ups.

First, you will have to search for keywords that are high ranking. There are many tools to make this process easier.

Once you find the keywords, you can get started on writing posts. You can write product reviews, round-up reviews, staple posts, response posts, and how-to guides.

If you already have a website and you are using it for affiliate marketing, then it will be much easier for you to promote through it.

4. Promote Using Google Ads

Google AdWords is a great way to generate sales, and in this case, it works well to drive people to the links.

You have to bid on a keyword and then set up your targeting options, but that is the easy part. The hard part is to get them to click the link.

Remember to not drive direct traffic to the links. Instead, give out some sort of incentives to redirect your audience to the ClickFunnels page.

If you are a complete beginner in using Google AdWords, then it is best to hire someone with more experience to handle this for you.

5. Promote Through Quora

Quora is an amazing platform. It was built as a question-and-answer platform, but you can drive traffic from here to your blog posts, social media posts, or YouTube videos if you use it properly.

To promote through Quora, you have to find questions related to it and then accurately answer them. Never put your naked links in your answers, as this is against Quora’s policy.

Instead, you have to use anchored texts to drive traffic to your desired page or directly to the sign-up page.

Final Thoughts

ClickFunnels is an amazing tool that has so much potential. The basic idea of this software is also very easy to understand. All you have to do is drive traffic and receive monthly recurring payments. Try experimenting with the ways we have discussed above and make the most out of it.

One way to experiment with it is to add a blog to it and optimize its SEO. The platform is not known for blogging, however, you can create a blog by using DropInBlog to improve its rankings and optimize the metadata like keywords, author, title, description, images, etc. First of all, you need to create a sales funnel and configure the new page. Modify the page path, change the name, and clean it up to prepare it for DropInBlog for ClickFunnels integration. You can easily add the integration code from DropInBlog and edit the custom snippets of code in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. And voila, you have your blog in ClickFunnels.

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