How to Retain Customers for Your Startup

In the business world, customer retention is key for your growth. It should not be any different for your business. Attracting customers is a hard thing for new businesses and maintaining them is harder. You will, therefore, need a clear and concise strategy in retaining your customers.

Customers fail to return if they feel your solution to their problem is not sufficient. If you fail to educate your consumers on how your product is used, customer retention will evade you. These are tips to help you acquire and maintain your customers with ease:

Customer feedback

A big reason your company will fail to retain customers is whether you ask for customers’ feedback. Customers will feel valued if you ask for their feedback on your product. Once asked, customers will give valuable tips. These tips will help you improve the brand while acquiring new consumers. Feedback from customers should always be responded to with a polite and friendly message.

A great way of garnering customer feedback is by sending satisfaction surveys to your consumers. The survey will include name, age, and location. Used properly, a satisfaction survey can be used to great effect as a marketing tool.

Constant communication

All customers want to be made to feel special. How do you achieve this? Well, you should have a database of your customers’ information. This will allow you to constantly inform your clients of new products and new discounts on products. The information should be conveyed in a personalized way such that they feel they were solely targeted. Emails are a great way of sending the message. The only caveat to this method is to not overdo it otherwise clients will feel suffocated by your messages.

Give coupons and gift cards

Despite the fact you are in business, you should strive to show the customers you are not money hungry. This can be achieved by offering coupons and gift cards to loyal consumers. Once you gift consumers for being loyal to you, the favor is returned, guaranteeing their loyalty to your products.

Service & product integrity

As a manufacturer or service provider, you should strive to maintain your standards. No shortcuts should be used in order to save a buck. Having a shortcut mentality will have your customers questioning your products’ or services’ integrity. Once this happens, customers will start avoiding your product or service.

Social media platforms

Having a social media platform is a great tool to help you maintain customers. A platform where your customers can give reviews of the product is great. Social media platforms will allow consumers to interact with each other. You are able to look at customer trends and requests if you have a social media platform. Complaints can be tended to easily with a social media platform.

What’s more, a social media platform will allow you to attract new customers. Needless to say, a social media platform is essential to your company’s acquisition and retention of consumers.


While these are not all the strategies required to retain customers, these will go a long way into converting that first purchase by a customer into many more purchases and referrals.

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