Podcast – John DiJulius – Relationship Economy – Build Better Customer Connections in the Digital Age


By 2025, estimates are that artificial intelligence (AI) powers 95 percent of all customer interactions. However, despite advancing technology, the disruptive force happening in business today is relationship building. John DiJulius says the humanizing touch is the most important part
 of a great 
customer experience, and this is in today’s techy economy.

Less than 5 percent of businesses have any specific plan for developing and strengthening relationships, and this includes with clients and customers. The new paradigm starts with providing resources to strengthen customer service across your entire business.

Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview John DiJulius John DiJulius(www.TheDijuliusgroup.com). He is an authority on customer experience; moreover, he is the author of The Relationship Economy.

Subjects Discussed with John DiJulius in the Podcast

The subjects discussed in the podcast include:

  • What John means by “the relationship economy.”
  • How the digital disruption changed business and damaged relationships.
  • The Touch-Screen Age and how this negatively impacts customer relations.
  • How to compete in the Relationship Economy.
  • What John means by F-O-R-D.
  • John’s “Conversations NEVERS & ALWAYS” lists.
  • Being in your client’s foxhole.
  • How better relationships make price irrelevant.
  • What John’s two favorite words “Give More” mean.

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Little Jimmy’s Italian Ice * www.ItalianIce.net

Interview Guest: John DiJulius

John DiJulius
Customer relationships expert and author John DiJulius.








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