Choose Rapid Prototyping When You Need…

3D Printing

When you have a project or idea to work on and need parts to be created, what do you do? Gathering materials from local shops to complete prototypes is a thing of the past. With the development of many different on-demand manufacturing solutions, companies can print prototypes with accuracy and speed with little to no hassle. If you are looking for new ways to handle manufacturing demands, this article is for you.

What is Rapid Prototyping?

Rapid Prototyping is a process by which assembling or manufacturing an item takes place. This is known as additive manufacturing, although other less frequently used prototype methods are available as well. This process helps to quickly create a prototype to be able to implement in your design or project. There are different methods to fabricate the physical representation of a model, but the most common are:

  • 3D Printing
  • CNC Machining
  • Vacuum Casting
  • Injection Molding

There are many ways to be able to create a 3D model of a product with a rapid prototyping service. The most used ways are: SLS rapid prototyping, SLA rapid prototyping, and for more machine-based projects, CNC turning service.

SLS Rapid Prototyping

This service can be used for metal and plastic by using a laser to heat and sinter the prototype. The prototype is created using the laser on a powder bed, one layer at a time.

SLA Rapid Prototyping

This method is commonly called “Powder Bed Fusion“, but is known for producing high-quality products that require high strength or have complex designs. In contrast to the SLS process, SLA uses a fine metal powder which is melted using a high-powered laser beam. This process is most used by the medical, automotive, aerospace and defense industries.

CNC Turning

This process uses a lathe to help remove unwanted material, make holes, create grooves in a very precise manner. This process uses a machine to cut and shape mostly metal prototypes to satisfaction.

Advantages of Rapid Prototyping

Rapid prototyping is an important service for any company, designer, engineer, or manufacturer that is interested in getting quicker results. Having the ability to receive high-quality mock-ups and prototypes in a timely fashion is vital to a product’s success.

Being able to see how a product turns out at every stage of the design and development process can help the overall development of an item. Knowledge of any issues can be caught earlier on, and fixed before the completed version is ready. You may find that you may need to use a few companies to cut costs. You may need to hire a company that specializes in complete pcb assembly manufacturer services or another that only works on ways to improve the design function. All in all, rapid prototyping allows proper visualization of projects by providing tangible representations and can help designers interact with staff and clients to receive much-needed feedback. Choose the right prototyping methods to enhance any project or manufacturing process.

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