Podcast – Tom McMakin – UNlearning How to Sell and Build a Service Business – Interview with Author Tom McMakin

Tom McMakin

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Interview with Tom McMakin, CEO of Profitable Ideas Exchange

Own a service or looking to launch one? One expert is determined to help entrepreneurs unlearn practices that are not beneficial for growing a service business.

In this episode of Home Business Radio, Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Managing Editor Sherilyn Colleen interview Tom McMakin, CEO of Profitable Ideas Exchange (PIE) and co-author of How Clients Buy: A Practical Guide to Business Development for Consulting and Professional Services. McMakin, along with co-author and professor Doug Fletcher, are a Montana-based powerful team. They are on a mission to arm every professional service expert with the right tools as they build their own business through community engagement by unlearning everything they know about selling themselves, and McMakin shares his insight in this riveting episode.

Tom McMakin How Clients BuySubjects discussed in this podcast include:

* The most important thing one should know to build a service business

How selling expert services is different from product sales

* How technology is revolutionizing expert service sales

* Why segmenting a market is so important to the expert service sales business

* Why we hate salespeople

* If there is a different way to sell services

Home Business PodcastSo tune in and learn how properly sell and launch a service business!

Episode Sponsor: Safety Technology * www.helpdefendpeople.com

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Interview Guest:

Tom McMakin and Doug Fletcher

Your Hosts:

Home Business Podcast

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