Podcast: Being a Leader in Your Home Business – Interview with Leadership Guru Gaurav Bhalla

GauravBhalla 2
GauravBhalla 2

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Applying principles of leadership in a home-based business will reap great benefits, no matter what your size of business.

In this episode of Home Business Radio, “Capt’n” Henderson and Managing Editor Sherilyn Colleen interview leadership and organizational development expert Dr. Gaurav Bhalla, Ph.D, (www.gauravbhalla.com). He provides cutting-edge advice on how being a better leader will help achieve business success.

Subjects include:

  • Small business owners can benefit from applying leadership ideas and concepts in their own businesses.
  • Why many solopreneurs find leadership difficult to understand
  • “Soulful Leadership” – What is it?
  • How home-based entrepreneurs can benefit from “Soulful Leadership”
  • How to persevere until you achieve business success
  • Advice on writing a book and how this can benefit any entrepreneur
  • Leaving the world of a “C-Suite executive” to become an entrepreneur

So come aboard and sail with us through flowing seas to become a better leader in your business and achieve greater success.

Episode Sponsor:  Safety Technology, www.helpdefendpeople.com

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