What a Home Business Owner Can Learn at CES

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CES 2018 is arguably the world’s largest collection of exhibitors and speakers in the consumer electronics field, and has been for the last 50 years. This year’s event is taking place right now in Las Vegas. While you might think that a small home-based business would be lost in crowd, you might be surprised at what you can learn, even if consumer electronics aren’t your forte.

Protect What You Have

If you run your business out of your home, what happens to your livelihood if something happens to that home? At CES you’ll find over 4000 companies vying for your attention, including Nortek Security & Control (see them at booth #40921). NSC is an industry leader in home security, personal emergency, and automation products with over four million systems installed worldwide.

While you may think turning your lights on and off isn’t something you need, consider some of their other products. Their popular 2GIG line of products includes industry innovations like webcams and their latest addition, Stove & Grill Guard Sensor. This device connects to your smart home system and notifies you if a stove or grill has been left on. It’s fully customizable and can come in handy if you’ve ever left home, only to wonder if you turned the stove off after breakfast. It’s also ideal if you have a cleaning service, small children or even elderly impaired relatives sharing your space.

Pitch What You Have

In addition to the latest in the electronics industry, CES is also teaming up with people looking for the next great thing. There’s even an open call for Shark Tank the TV show. This is a place where you can get noticed, network, and be seen by like-minded people with money to spend. Be sure you are ready at a moment’s notice with your 30-second elevator pitch and have handouts and business cards available, just in case you run into a potential investor in the restroom.

Build on What You Have

Before you start a home business, there are lots of questions you should ask yourself to be sure you know it’s the right move to make. Once you’ve been in business awhile, it’s time to ask a different set of questions. How will you expand? Should you diversify your offerings? Should you go public? How do I do this without going broke, or insane?

The answers are waiting for you at CES. In addition to vendors and exhibitors, attendees also have access to over a thousand speakers including CEOs, industry innovators, and business leaders. Many of these people started right where you are. They have been through the growing pains and lived to tell the tale.

If you want to grow your business from your home startup into the next Apple or Facebook, learning from the best is vital. Absorb as much as you can from these people; learning from their failures (and they all had them) and successes is going to be invaluable as you move forward.

If you’re attending CES this week, be sure to check out all the valuable resources available. From exhibits from industry leading companies like NSC to incredible speakers and potential investors, there’s something for everyone at CES 2018.

Hundreds of Business Opportunities – Visit the Home Business EXPO

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