3 Proven Management Techniques That Work in Any Business

By Peder Johnsen

Management Tips that Produce Results

The people in your company who are dealing with your customers — the clerks, the caregivers, the customer service reps — are where the rubber meets the road. That’s why it’s essential for the company leaders — the men and women in the offices that are often far from the front lines— to be where the action is on a regular basis.

The following are tips for management that produces excellent results:

• Identify the influencers in each work group. Within the various groups that make up your business, identify the key players — the people who influence others’ behavior, whether or not they hold a title or official authority. Meet with them on a regular basis so you can stay plugged in to what’s happening on the front lines.

• Identify areas that need improvement. Talk to them about systems and areas that need to be fixed, overhauled, or eliminated, and about how team members are working together. They’ll often have ideas for innovations.

• Figure out those “wildly important goals.” You can have the best people in the field working for you, yet if they’re not specifically guided to a certain goal, they are putting their time and effort toward an end that they’re assuming is correct. HBM

Peder Johnsen is the CEO of Concordis Senior Living, www.concordisseniorliving.com, which owns, operates and develops senior housing communities. He is an industry leader in staff development and training.

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