The Step-by-Step Guide to Taking Out a Home Loan Properly

House and money

When it comes to buying a home, a majority of people take out a home loan, also known as a mortgage. After all, with the big expense of a home, it’s typically unreasonable to presume future homeowners will be able to purchase a home completely out of pocket.

The way home loans work is fairly simple. One typically puts a 20% cash down payment on their future home and then has a bank or other lender provide the remainder of the cost for the property in exchange for repayment plus interest back, using the house as collateral should the monthly payments not be paid back.

Although home loans are simple, those who’ve never had experience with them will certainly know less about them than those who have. If you’ve never taken a mortgage before, the following information will help ease the process for you.

1. Boost your credit score.

Money makes the world go ‘round but so does your credit score. If your credit stinks, or you don’t have credit built up at all, it will be significantly harder to get a home loan. Your credit score is one of many things lenders consider when deciding if you will be a good candidate for a borrowing home via a mortgage.

Thus, it’s a good idea to boost your credit before applying for a mortgage. To increase your credit score, make sure to pay your bills on time, refrain from using more than 30% of your available credit each statement period, dispute any errors on your credit report, and don’t open any new credit accounts.

2. Consider your debt-to-income ratio.

Your debit-to-income (DTI) ratio is your monthly expenses divided by your gross (pre-tax) income. The higher your debt-to-income ratio, the more trouble you may come across when it comes to paying back your monthly mortgage payments on time. Finding out your DTI ratio is important to see if a home loan is currently right for you.

3. Use a mortgage calculator.

It’s important to see what kind of mortgage you’ll be able to afford. You may be surprised that based on your income, you may not be able to afford the monthly payments and home loan interest rate for a home within a specific price range you were originally looking for.

Using a mortgage calculator, you can have a better idea of what you can and cannot afford. These online calculators may also give you insight in regard to the types of home loans best for you and what you can expect to pay monthly based on your prospective down payment for your future home.

4. Scope out different home loans online.

They tell you to never settle for less in relationships. The same is true when it comes to settling with a home loan. For that reason, it’s wise to carefully scope for the right home loan online. The mortgage best for you will have affordable monthly payments, a favourable interest rate, and an appropriate loan term.


Buying a home is a big deal and it can cause a lot of stress. A major part of the buying process comes down to whether or not you can afford your next prospective home. Thanks to a mortgage, you have a better chance of being able to get what you want without going bankrupt in the process. However, first-timers may be stressed when it comes to applying for a home loan.

To properly take out a home loan, it’s important to boost your credit score, consider your debt-to-income ratio, check out various home loans online, and use a mortgage calculator to find the right loan. With these simple steps, you’ll be on your way to getting the keys to the home of your dreams in no time.

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