Action Refund Reviews – Your Insider Guide

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Most people have seen ads for investment scams on social media or other websites. There is very little oversight of which advertisements make it onto websites. Anyone looking into investing online will have their targeted ads filled with scams. This allows scammers to victimize countless people, stealing hundreds or even thousands of dollars from each victim.

Chargeback companies developed as a response to these scammers. They provide fund recovery services for victims, helping them recover their money.

How Do Online Investment Scams Work?

There are more distinct types of scams than anybody could ever count. They vary so much that it’s hard to draw a line between investment scams and the other types.

The core of these scams is the transfer of money from the victim to the scammer, with the promise of delivering some financial asset. These assets can be just about anything, but most online financial fraud involves Forex, CFDs, and binary options.

Forex Scams

Forex (foreign exchange) involves the trading of different national currencies. These currencies fluctuate in value compared to each other, allowing traders to buy low and sell high to earn a profit.

There are many legitimate forex brokers and many honest forex traders. Scam forex brokers ride on the reputation of legitimate brokers to trap their victims. New investors hear about how much money professional forex traders make and imagine that they can quickly get a piece of the pie for themselves.

The fluctuations of forex currencies are typically very small. To multiply these small changes, brokers allow traders to trade at leverage. If a trader’s position has a leverage of 1:10, a change of $0.01 translates to a profit of $0.10 instead. This also means that small fluctuations can quickly reduce a position to zero.

Scam brokers advertise leverage that is higher than legitimate brokers allow, playing on the hopes of investors who think forex is their way to get rich quick.

CFD Scams

CFDs are a derivative asset. When you buy a CFD of an asset, you’re never actually purchasing the asset. Instead, you agree to pay a specific price for the asset at a specified time. If the price goes up in the interim, you make a profit. If the price goes down, you make a loss. CFDs are most often derivatives of stocks, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. Financial regulators strictly regulate these assets. Scam brokers offer traders a way around these assets, offering high leverage and other perks.

Binary Options Scams

Binary options were once much more popular than they are today. This is because most countries have made them illegal. Traders essentially bet whether an asset’s price will go up or down. That’s why they’re called binary.

Inexperience investors think that this makes trading simpler, but it doesn’t. Traders should avoid binary options altogether. Any broker offering them is almost surely a scam.

General Scam Tactics

While the specific assets vary, there are a few common ways that all these scams draw in victims.

Fake celebrity endorsements are widespread, especially in ads on social media. The ads state that some celebrity has made millions trading with that broker, but it’s a complete lie. Even some registered brokers do this, and many have faced significant fines from their financial regulators.

Scam brokers advertise that their platforms offer automated or robotic trading. They claim that an advanced algorithm will make trading decisions for you and that the algorithm will always make the right calls. This again plays to the easy money crowd by making big promises that they can’t possibly deliver.

Worried Businesswoman

How Do Things Go Wrong?

Once the investor has made a deposit, there are a few different ways that scammers spring their trap. The most common is withdrawal denial. Once a person has made some money or had enough of the broker, they try to withdraw their funds. They quickly find that this is impossible. The broker demands that the trader verifies their account before withdrawing their funds but never accepts their verification. They could also point to some obscure part of their terms and conditions that prevents a withdrawal because the trader hasn’t met the terms of their new account bonus.

Others are less subtle in their scams. Brokers, sometimes, set up a new website, launch a social media marketing blitz, and wait for new traders to pour in. Once enough traders have made their deposits, the broker disappears. They take their website down, and most investors won’t have any ability to track them down. They operate from offshore havens, which means that they face little chance of reprisal.

Where Do Chargeback Companies Come In?

When investors realize that they’ve become the victims of a scam, they’re often unsure about what to do next. Sometimes they’ll call their bank, hoping to have the transaction reversed. The traders don’t know the internal bank processes they would need to get their money back. A chargeback company has that knowledge. They understand precisely what they have to do to get your money back. They are highly specialized, with the specific toolset necessary for handling online financial fraud.

Tracking Down Anonymous Scammers

One of the key competencies of chargeback companies is breaking through online brokers’ anonymity. Scam brokers use their anonymity as a shield. They have fake office addresses, fake parent companies, and fake phone numbers. If an investor can’t initiate contact with a broker to ask them to return the money in good faith, they can’t establish their case for a chargeback. Many chargeback companies, Action Refund, for example, specialize in tracking down these brokers.

More often than not, the broker doesn’t have a license from a financial regulator. Registered brokers are much easier to find, as their details are on file. Unregistered brokers are also usually operating out of offshore havens, making them even harder to find. Chargeback companies can cut through this red tape and establish the critical first step of making a demonstrated effort to begin a refund negotiation with the broker.

Navigating Financial Policy

Any victims who establish communication with the broker can contact their bank or payment processor to initiate a chargeback claim. Unfortunately, these claims are very complicated and require specific documentation and formatting. Chargeback companies know exactly what the bank or payment processor requires to push through a successful chargeback.

Good chargeback companies are efficient in gathering information. Action Refund is a prime example of simplifying this process for scam victims. Many chargeback companies ask for many more documents and records than needed. A company with a detailed understanding of the internal workings of banks and payment processors can identify the critical documents for each case.

Handling Client Information

Any scam victim should understand the importance of safeguarding sensitive information. In fact, this should be the top priority when choosing a chargeback company to handle your case. Many illegitimate chargeback companies function as phishing scams, trying to steal personal information from people who are already victims.

Any potential clients should investigate if a company is compliant with the relevant personal information protection legislation within their country. They should also shy away from companies that don’t have things they would expect of a legitimate business, like phone lines and an office address. Any company that only has an online presence could be a scam.

Another quick check is to see where the company is operating from. The United States, Canada, the UK, and Israel are the most prominent centers for legitimate chargeback companies. It would be best to stay away from companies based in offshore jurisdictions.

Is a Chargeback Company Right for You?

If you have lost money investing in an online scam, a chargeback company could be your best chance to recover your funds. You can try to navigate the chargeback process yourself. Still, there could be unexpected hurdles that could permanently damage your chances.

Seeking out a finance lawyer could also be effective, but they charge higher rates than a chargeback company; also, most chargeback companies have free consultations. So, your best bet is to give these companies a call and see what they can do to help you today.

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  1. It is possible to recover what you lost to scam brokers but most people don’t know this because they are either not informed or they have been conned. Truth is there are only a few people who can pull this off and i was lucky to meet with one of them. If you need help with this i suggest to send a text to there WhatsApp through there
    WHATSAPP: +1 904 289 2594
    Address: 200 Clarendon Street, 18th Floor
    Boston, Massachusetts 02116
    United States of America

  2. Time have changed. Technology is evolving everyday. There are new innovations that do not only trace bitcoin addresses but find out what platform or exchange they belong to. Anyone would agree that this is a big step in recovering coins. I lost over $60,000 to Binary Options trading but thanks to CALTECH OPERATIONS and their team for their professional and Ethical service rendered in recovering all of my money from this scam binary options company. You can visit their website CALTECHOPERATIONS(.) COM if you need to recover your founds

  3. Can the victims of scam get their money back? Yes, if you have fallen victim to scam from an unregulated investment platform or any scam at ll then are eligible to recover what was stolen from you and this can only happen if this is reported to the right people. With the right approach and with evidence, you will get what you lost back. Those behind these unregulated platforms will likely want to sell the idea that what happened to your investment was an unfortunate occurrence when in reality what happened was theft via elaborate means. If you are a victim or you know any one who is a victim of these occurrences, you should know there are people who can help you. Simply search (recoverytemple tech) on google just the way it is in that bracket. It is never too late if you have the right information, your sanity can be restored.

  4. I made the most stupid decision of my life when I decided to invest on a platform that only had positive reviews everywhere to deceive more people. Everything was going well until I decided to make a big withdrawal, they had let me withdraw a small amount at first and this even made me trust them even more until i needed to make a big withdrawal, they denied this and instead made me make several deposits as “tax” in order to approve my withdrawal. This went on for another three weeks and i had already lost a fortune and it didn’t look like they were going to release anything. That was the moment i realized what i had gotten myself into, i plunged into acute depression for about a month before i got in touch with a team that helped me recoup my loss, i didn’t even think it was possible i just had to send a mail to (support @ recoverytemple . tech) as i was directed by someone i confided. If i wasn’t lucky enough to have gotten that information, i am sure they would have easily gotten away with ruining me financially.

  5. The Crypto Currency Authorities should monitor every Brokers and Account Managers activities, I lost over $530,000 to unregulated Brokers who convinced me into investing my capital. After some successful trade and my profit increased I made a withdrawal request but surprisingly all my withdrawal request was declined , I contacted their customer service unit but i was not given a meaningful Reason why my request was declined. I tried all I could to withdraw my fund but no solution , at the end I lost all my capital without a single profit return. In search for help on how to get my money back I was directed to contact Mr Dylan who works with SUMMITRECOUP DTcm as their Head of Recovery Affairs, I contacted him and explained my situation to him , he requested for some details about the broker and concerning my investment, I forwarded all the details to him. It was all like a dream , through him I was able to get back all my money , please don’t sit back and cry when you facing difficulties in withdrawing your profit or you totally lost your funds to any Broker or Account Manager , kindly contact Mr Dylan now. Their website SUMMITRECOUP DTcm I assure you a successful recovery of your funds.

  6. I Invested 5000$ and reinvested it for 3 days and the money got to 12,213$. I told them that i wanted to withdraw. They told me i have to Pay 20% of my money before I can withdraw, which was 2,442$. I paid it and the following they , i wanted to withdraw and they told me i have to pay additional 5000$ . I told them i will not pay any money again, and that was how it ended. I taught they had gone with my money until I came across CryptoPhase whom many had reviewed how he helped them recovered there stolen bitcoin and funds, I contact him on[CRYPTOPHASE (ON[]YHOO[]COM], gave him a try and the outcome was epic! He helped me recovered all my stolen bitcoins within 72 hours, Helped me makes profit with the aid of his Mining skills, and since then I’ve been benefiting from CryptoPhase, just last month I got myself a pent house! Thank you CP you’re the best I ever come across

  7. I Invested 5000$ and reinvested it for 3 days and the money got to 12,213$. I told them that i wanted to withdraw. They told me i have to Pay 20% of my money before I can withdraw, which was 2,442$. I paid it and the following they , i wanted to withdraw and they told me i have to pay additional 5000$ . I told them i will not pay any money again, and that was how it ended. I taught they had gone with my money until I came across CryptoPhase whom many had reviewed how he helped them recovered there stolen bitcoin and funds, I contact him on[CRYPTOPHASE (ON[]YHOO[]COM], gave him a try and the outcome was epic! He helped me recovered all my stolen bitcoins within 72 hours, Helped me makes profit with the aid of his Mining skills, and since then I’ve been benefiting from CryptoPhase, just last month I got myself a pent house! Thank you CP you’re the best I ever come across

  8. How I got my stolen crypto currency coins and tokens from scam hackers on telegram: People all over the world are hearing about the fast profits early investors are making on Bitcoin and other coins and want to join the party and make a fast profit. But be sure, where big money is, there are also companies that are abusing and taking advantage of this situation. Such was my situation, I had a fake telegram group admin contact me and gave me a phishing link in which my 12 recovery phrase was compromised. These evil persons gained access to my crypto wallet and stole all my coins and tokens worth over $ 230,000. I was in great despair due to this situation, I was confused till I saw a few comments about EXPRESSLINE RECOVERY, I sent them a mail . This recovery company is really God sent. After relating all of my predicaments, details of incidence and necessary requirements for my recovery program, it took them less than a week to track and recover all of my tokens and coins back. You can send them a mail at CRYPTOPHASE (at) yahoo . com

  9. “Most hackers ask for payment before services that they do not still render at the end but I want to introduce you to a university master’s degree holder of Princeton in Finance as well as computer geek for any sort of hacking, it can be Social Media Accounts, Forex Trading Forecasts, Credit Reports/Credit Score Lifting, School grade, Email, Credit card, contact him (WIZARDBRIXTON@GMAIL.COM) Phone hacking, Erasing criminal records, Bitcoin recovering, Instagram Hack, Facebook Hack, Lost funds recovering, Tender hacker, get Access code of the different type of phones, etc, you name it. he shows proof of work and payment is made only after service well done to your satisfaction Contact him: WIZARDBRIXTON@GMAIL.COM, WhatsApp : (+1- /807-23 ) 4-0428 😉

  10. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency scams are becoming rampant as the day goes by. One should be careful when dealing with people online especially when it has to do with your funds. Getting back your stolen bitcoins is very easy but they are lots of fraudulent recovery firms out there so you need to be careful not to end up being defrauded again. (MATTDUNHAM928 AT GMIL DOT COM) is the most trusted and reliable recovery firm online. They are the best recovery firm out there now. They are very fast and efficient in the recovery of your funds. To contact them EMAIL: (MATTDUNHAM928 AT GMIL DOT COM), You can simply send an email and you will be helped to recover 100% of you lost funds- I was able to recover all of my stolen bitcoins. They provide excellent serviceS

  11. One has to be careful with the brokers on the internet now. Last year I was scammed in the binary trade option by a broker I met on Instagram. I invested $14000 which I lost, I couldn’t make a withdrawal and I slowly lost access to my trade account for 3 months I was frustrated and depressed. After a few months, I met MATT DUNHAM. A recovery expert that works in affiliation with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). he worked me through the process of getting my money back and all the extra bonus which I got during my trading. he can be of help to anyone who has a similar situation. You can contact him via his mail: mattdunham928 @ G mail .com or his WhatsApp +44 7828 450 768

  12. Times have changed. Technology is evolving everyday. There are new innovations that do not only trace bitcoin addresses but find out what platform or exchange they belong to. Anyone would agree that this is a big step in recovering coins. I lost over $60000 to Binary Options Trading but thanks to a private hacker and his team for their professional and Ethical service rendered in recovering all of my money from this scam binary options company. You can mail them if you need to recover your money back also. Information is Key.


    MATTDUNHAM928 at gee male dot com

  13. I was scammed while trading crypto and lost a huge amount of my live savings. I later on met with a recovery professional on reddit and he helped me recover my investments and profits. I’d be glad to share my trading experience and how I recover my funds jameswiLLLiams04 at gmail dot com

  14. If you think someone you know is being scammed or targeted by cheaters , do not make them feel embarrassed anyone can be a victim, few months ago I and my wife were scammed about $60,000, almost gave up in life, we were hopeless until a Brother introduced me to April Hoskey a reliable source to recover my funds back and also trade to earn high profit,
    Do contact this company via, ..also What sapp +447731579961 ,
    Take the right step and recover your lost funds trust me it is 100% possible.


  15. Please beware there are many fake bitcoin mining/clouding out there, I have been a victim once but now a certified blockchain consultant and I know better. The whole plan was so smooth I could not doubt it. Bitcoin is actually a great investment option but one thing I discovered over time is that it is not possible to mine bitcoin so don’t be deceived. I invested $25000 on a particular website called eurekaminingblock, I monitored the profit yielding but was told to open a new blockchain account to receive my payout. A public wallet was imported into the account and I was made to believe that was my profit. The bitcoin was labelled non spendable and it took me 2 years to be able to access it without the knowledge of the company. The non spendable bitcoin is the scam out there now and a lot of people are falling victim of it. I found CM (a recovery expert and trader) on Quora who helped me access a significant part of my investment together with the profit without the knowledge of the company. You can reach him through his email : { CRYPTOPHASE(@) yahoooo {.} c 0 m }…<>

  16. Just when I thought I was doing the right thing investing with them that was when I was proved wrong , I’m happy I came across swift access who helped me recover all my losses from this platform , are you looking for a goodie place to recover your Money then contact the number in that website they’re the best you can trust.
    swiftaccess37 at gmail

  17. You can now recover all you lost to scammers. The most important thing is not backing down and making sure you talk to the right people concerning your recovery. This team is incredible and will definitely recover what you lost and give you the peace of mind you deserve. Send a mail to ( swiftaccess37 ||at|| GMAIL.COM ).
    Thank me later

  18. Please report any scams or suspicious activity to [support@claimpayback. com] as soon as possible .com] How do dating and romance scams operate? The new love of your life appears to be a supermodel in the photos they send you. They express powerful emotions for you in a short period of time. They ask you a lot of personal questions but don’t reveal much about themselves. They’ll claim they need money from you for a personal emergency or that they need the money to travel to see you.
    [claimpayback. com] specializes in dealing with online scams and assisting victims with reimbursement through disputes, digital fingerprint tracking, cyber analysis, and thorough investigation.
    If you’ve been scammed for money from someone you met online, inform the dating site or app immediately. You should also report it to Action Fraud and consider contacting the police to report it too

  19. Basically lost a lot of money to this platform and their support would not even give me an audience, I opened a lot of support tickets but nothing, opening trades without my permission. I had to contact recovery companies and got in touch with: support at onestandardfinance Org: that handled my case and my investments was returned into my account within 7 days. I withdrew it all out immediately.

  20. How possible is it for a victim to recover lost funds? I have been a victim of crypto theft and I lost huge amount $41,000 to some fake investment web page and with so many recommendations, I was able to finally meet a reliable hacker after all hope gone… The best part of it is that I was able to recover my funds back through Hendrix the reliable hacker. His contact e m ail for assistance { C R Y P T E D H A C K E D (@) G M A I . C 0 M } you have similar case like I did initially…

  21. I look back and I think about how i had to cope with depression for a little over 2 months. I invested in a big scam investment platform that promised me financial security but in the end almost ruined my life. I was totally helpless and didn’t know what to do, i mean i invested a huge chunk from my life savings and they took everything from me and even made me pay more. I eventually got in touch with a recovery firm after i explained to my friend when i couldn’t keep it to myself anymore. I eventually got everything i lost even though the process wasn’t an easy one, I got my loss back. Every bit of it! If you find yourself in this situation, the first advice I’ll give is that you just don’t let this make your life miserable. You can get what you lost back without any stress from your end. Send a mail to this team – support @ recoverytemple . tech and they will help you fix the mistake you made just as they fixed mine.

  22. My story is very long so i definitely can’t type it here because it’s personal to me. It was hard for me to even open up to the people who wanted to help me recover. I didn’t want anyone to have my info anymore. All thanks to this recovery team with one of the most patient customer service personnel who made feel more comfortable and in 72 hours i got everything i lost back in my wallet. I now understand why people say you should never lose hope. Don’t lose hope now because you lost money to scammers you can get what you paid to them just like me. Simply search ( recoverytempletech ) via google and head to the contact page so you can reach them via email.
    You should also know that most of the recommendations you find online are not genuine.

  23. I am grateful for the improved sensitization on the topic of online fraud. I am passionate about this topic because of my past experiences which have made me more knowledgeable. If I had access to such information in the past, I wouldn’t have been scammed as much as I was. I lost a lot of money to several investment platforms while trying to make enough money to retire early. I lost it all and didn’t know how to start all over again. Luckily, a cop friend introduced me to revoltseal. tech/ and assured me they had helped work on several cases successfully. They carried out a procedure they called chainalysis and were able to recover my stolen funds. They also introduced me to legitimate investment platforms who are currently helping me actualize my dream of early retirement. I hope this will help someone in need as I understand how terrible getting scammed felt.

  24. Every victim can get their money back at last but How? Let me explain
    that briefly. With Recouplock online recoverey experts all victims can
    be back on their feet. I regret referring my close friends to trading with this scammer. We all got scammed . I requested for a charge back from my bank but they weren’t sufficient as the situation is beyond a charge back.I had to seek more options to getting my money out. The police never responded to me as well, I had a worst experience investing
    with these scammers. Stay away by all means and follow up with R e c o u p l o c k team online to enforce your withdrawals by simply checking on google.

  25. Do you know you can recover your lost or stolen crypto and funds by reaching out to the best fund recovery expert at { C Y B E R S P Y E X P E R T 2 2 (@) G M I L }. This is the hope for all s c am victims to recover their money back without hidden charges and excuses for more fees. Try them out now!!! and be glad you did..

  26. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency scams are becoming rampant as the day goes by. One should be careful when dealing with people online especially when it has to do with your funds. Getting back your stolen bitcoins is very easy but they are lots of fraudulent recovery firms out there so you need to be careful not to end up being defrauded again. SECURE2INVEST is the most trusted and reliable recovery firm online. They are the best recovery firm out there now. They are very fast and efficient in the recovery of your funds. To contact them VIA contact@secure2invest . com You can simply send an email or WhatsApp on +14253121045 and you will be helped to recover 100% of you lost funds

  27. I became very wary of unregulated binary options platforms since I had a
    personal experience that resulted in huge loss. I am not even going to
    start getting into all the money I lost trying to recover my initial
    loss. Recovering your stolen investment is always a tedious and
    technical procedure. There is never an easy way out. I am ultimately
    glad I found a solution though. I was introduced to a set of
    professional recovery agents who specialise in online scam recovery and
    reimbursement of victims among other things. Recovery is very possible
    as long as you make use of a very good professional company. Maxive
    Recovery are qualified experts who can help recover lost funds. You can
    contact them via mail maxiverecovery AT gmail dotcom . Good luck

  28. it was a success, I got my lost funds recovered am happy to share my experience so far in trading crypto currency and binary options have been losing and finding it difficult to make a profit in trading for long, traded with different trading companies but I couldn’t earn profits and I ended up losing the whole live-saving I gave up on trading until I meet [Roy Donald ] who help me and gave me the right strategy and winning signals to trade and earning process and also I was able to get all my lost fund back from all these brokers and trading companies I traded with, now I can make profits anytime I place a trade through his amazing masterclass strategy feel free to email him on {} telegram: @recoveryactiongroup

  29. Have you lost your hard earned money to;?1.Binary option scam??2. Forex trading??3.Romance scam?and any other kind of online investment? ?I have a good news for you.Contact; recbtc17 at g mail com?I had doubts it was possible to recover the funds I lost to binary options. However,big thanks to the recbtc now for helping me recover a huge sum back and still working on full recovery for me…also they are reachable via text or whats app though this number +15187224413

  30. I made a deposit of $210,000 into this Iqoption broker on 1st january last year, then I got a call from the account

    manager telling me about my account and the bonuses I could get if I put in more money…he was

    really good at convincing (maybe he brainwashed me ) I later put $86,000 in total.

    Then I sent all of my verification documents such as proof of address, ID and Bank card details

    (I sent without CVV) and Declaration form . Also I received lots of emails from them about

    verification and activation and etc.

    During the first 3 days my account was funded and was ready to start; they called me many

    times to re-invest and increase my amount and I refused because they got too pushy about it. I

    figured something was wrong when I requested for a withdrawal and was told I had to

    reach a deposit target before I can make withdrawals.

    So I couldn’t trust them as they changed their word and I asked the adviser I want to close my

    account as my account is verified and it’s ready. I already told him which I can’t put more

    money and now I change my mind and I want to withdraw my money and close my account.

    I send lots of email, chat, request, text, call and etc and asked them to call me and explain

    but nobody answer and reply to me even through email (Used to be emailed straight away) Now I

    i want to withdraw all of my money but I can’t go through my account. THEY NEVER CAME BACK TO ME.


    Until I was introduced to the guys at “CONTACT Email: mattdunham928(at)gmail(dot)com they helped me get my money

    back from these rippers after a long while…I owe my life to them right now. not everybody

    there would be fortunate to find a trusted recovery guru mattdunham928(at)gmail(dot)com

    Text/WhatsApp: +16614247215

  31. ill advice you quickly open a case with the forensic firm (thehackerspro) they are a group of forensic experts who have been helping victims of fraud together with the SEC to recover illicit funds stolen by cyber criminals

  32. I lost an incredible amount of money to a fake Binary option Brokers. It all started from a phone call and after some persuasion I decided to invest, after months of constant investment about 130k$, I decided to ask for a payout this was the beginning of my turmoil, to my dismay I was still asked to invest more. Being a Single father this really affected me and despite all efforts to contact them failed. I was introduced to < support {at} (onestandardfinance) dot com] they took legal actions against them and they helped me retrieve my funds couldn’t be more thankful.

  33. Its all a scam, i traded with different brokers, most of them disappear when you make withdrawal request, some of them will try to convince you not to withdraw and instead invest more while others will actually allow you withdraw a little amount so they can build your trust and after that they begin to make large requests. i lost $85,500 to these fraudulent brokers, i was depressed for months until i was recommended to a Binary options trade funds recovery expert One Standard Finance when i contacted them i didn’t believe they could get back my money because i have been scammed a lot already and didn’t know what to believe, but my gut feeling told me to give it a try and i did, feel free to contact them via email address: support @ onestandardfinance com, Whatsapp +1870 345 7937 and they will help you claim back your investment back from your scam broker, i was obligated to recommend them for the good service which they offered to help my issue with my broker. Good luck as you contact them.

  34. Its all a scam, i traded with different brokers, most of them disappear when you make withdrawal request, some of them will try to convince you not to withdraw and instead invest more while others will actually allow you withdraw a little amount so they can build your trust and after that they begin to make large requests. i lost $85,500 to these fraudulent brokers, i was depressed for months until i was recommended to a Binary options trade funds recovery expert One Standard Finance when i contacted them i didn’t believe they could get back my money because i have been scammed a lot already and didn’t know what to believe, but my gut feeling told me to give it a try and i did, feel free to contact them via email address: support at onestandardfinance com, and they will help you claim back your investment back from your scam broker, i was obligated to recommend them for the good service which they offered to help my issue with my broker. Good luck as you contact them.

  35. I made a terrible mistake by investing in a fake binary options company called GetFinancial and I mistakenly clicked a link which was sent to my email, After clicking, i lost access to my whole trezor wallet which contained a total of $57,350 different cryptocurrencies and tokens. I was referred to FinancialRecoveryTeam com for help via the website and i was able to track down get financial even though it took months. Katie really helped me. GEt in touch with them.

  36. Thanks to Mrs. Doris Ashley for her wonderful masterclass strategy which has help me earn at least $15,000 weekly using his masterclass strategy and has also helped me recover all my lost money in binary options trading, i recommend her help to each traders whose point is to succeed and make good profits in binary options and also for those who wants to get back all their lost money and for those who are new in trading or have any issues in trading’s, feel free to contact her on her email on

  37. I thought I was entering an age of new money from online investment when I learnt about binary options, I was greatly eager to get on board even more especially because i had some knowledge of online trading, everything changed when I was ready to make my withdrawal and I could get nothing. The entire thing literally broke down in my face when I became convinced my money was stuck with them, read came across a group of recovery experts and they did a good job helping me settle a problem that was having me sick daily, they recovered every thing I invested and they required no upfront payment whatsoever for the task. I’m quite impressed by their work, you can contact ([SWIFTACCESS37 via GMAIL {DOT}coom])

  38. Enough with the sporadic referrals; in my experience, I’ve gotten into contact with a number of online con artists who have offered to assist me with a chargeback of roughly $30,000 in funds that I lost in an investment earlier this year. In short, I came across a Trustpilot review about instantrecovery12 at gmail com by chance, became intrigued, and contacted them, It turned out to be genuine. Just giving someone out there hope that they might still be able to retrieve their money.

  39. probably have the one of the worst scam experiences i have heard of. I
    lost more than 260thousand USD, these scammers have no mercy because
    they had me sell my properties when i had no money to pay them anymore. I
    was stuck and didn’t know the way out. Good news is i reached out to a
    legit recovery team and they helped me get my money back. If you have
    ever been involved in any scam or you know someone that has been
    scammed,Maxive recovery will get the money back. They are a recovery
    team that specialize in funds recovery, be it cryptocurrency , bitcoin,
    forex, catfish/romance scam. You can get in touch via their email
    (maxiverecovery AT gmail {}com). Don’t go down without a fight. It’s
    very important.

  40. I have lost funds to different binary options brokers and this took a
    negative toll on my mental health. I hired lawyers and private
    investigators to look into it but nothing worked to recover my funds, I
    just simply wasted more money. I lost over 410,000 Euro.
    RECOVERYCHAMBER dot 0RG helped me trace the funds and recovered 100% of the
    investments with the profits. Never again am I opting for binary options
    trading. Most of them are scams. If you are looking for some awesome,
    knowledgeable people to work with, these are the guys I highly
    recommend. Their friendliness and result-driven approach are what I love
    about them!!!

  41. Please be wary of the many scam investment websites everywhere , i got scammed by a well articulated investment website . The whole plan they sell to you will sound so smooth and straightforward there will be no room for you to doubt it. I came to understand that cryptocurrency mining/ investment is a good one if you are in touch with the right investment team. I invested a lot which was in a series of payments in one of these websites. Crazy thing is that i monitored the profit and it was looking really transparent as I had a dashboard to monitor my investment but i got locked when i was about to withdraw and this gave room to more payments which they claim we’re taxes and were going to be added to what i will be receiving. I went searching online for a solution because they hit deep into my savings and i eventually met this team of experts that i got in touch via mail to help me handle recovery of my money. Support (@) recoverytemple . tech. I sent a mail to them and was able to get about 90% of what i lost in a little less than 3 days.

  42. Is there a way out for victims of scam? It took me months to find one. Let me briefly explain how. You see, most of these recovery websites put up fake remote addresses on their websites. I lost a lot of money so i was only looking for a recovery firm around me so i could confirm their office before releasing information to them. They had the most patient experts. They answered all my questions and i immediately knew i was going to work with them. 60 hours after i committed to them, I got what i lost back. Send them a mail on
    Support (@) recoverytemple . tech.

  43. Online fraud is a crime and should be reported to TracRefund as soon as possible on [ report @ tracrefund . com ], as well as your bank.

    If you receive a suspicious email or message through a website, report it to the site for investigation. Or open a case with [Tracrefund . com] if you been a victim of any scam.. Tracrefund Agency specializes in dealing with online scams and help provide reimbursement to their victims using disputes, tracking down digital fingerprints, cyber analysis and thorough investigation.


    • Andre Simone is the official Digital Bypass Expert consulting for Tracrefund…. Please be sure you open a case with the real company… With the success rate of Tracrefund…. Some scammers are impersonating…. Send mail only to [] To start your Asset recovery journey

    • Only legitimate companies, such as Cryptoforensic Recovery, with skilled lawyers and hackers, are capable of assisting you in recovering your funds. Because the majority of these Binary Option organisations are scams, their databases are insecure, and their weaknesses may be readily exploited using specific HackTools, Root HackTools, and technical hacking strategies. All |[cryptophase @ yahoo com]|>> needs to do is break into the company’s database, extract your files and papers, decrypt your transaction details, and perform some technical hacking, and your money will be returned to you. All you have to do is sit back and relax while they take care of everything.

      • Ignorance is bliss, but this definitely does not apply to people in a relationship. Trust and honesty are the two important pillars of any relationship. Without these, no relationship can thrive to greatness. Therefore, if you get a gut feeling that your girlfriend is not being honest in the relationship, then turning a blind eye to it is not a smart move. If you find yourself wondering, “Why do I feel like my girlfriend is cheating on me?”, there could be some truth to it. Relationship encompasses lot of sacrifices to bear, no matter how faithful you are to them it doesn’t mean that they will treat you the same way. In my own situation It was disheartened to discover my woman whom I thought would be my fortress but it seems I have been deceiving myself for months. I need to desperately know what she’s been up to lately so I had to reach out to CRYPTOPHASE @ YAHOOcom who got so many truthful and amazing reviews on the internet to remotely get into her mobile phone. He got whole spoof process completed within 7 hours I reached out to him with just her cellphone number, the service was delivered perfectly I was able to see her texts, WhatsApp, call logs, pictures and videos which was quite amazing. I figured she lied to me about all the money i sent to her and her emails were the worst I could ever imagine. I strongly recommend CRYPTOPHASE @ YAHOOcom if you are in need of a similar spying, tracking and investigatory services. Email: CRYPTOPHASE (@) YAHOOCOM

      • I probably have the one of the worst sca m experiences i have heard of. I lost more than 260thousand USD, these sca mmers have no mercy because they had me sell my properties when i had no money to pay them anymore. I was stuck and didn’t know the way out. Good news is i reached out to a legit recovery team and they helped me get my money back. If you have ever been involved in any scam or you know someone that has been sca mmed, Donald Jackson will get the money back. They are a recovery experts that specialize in funds recovery, be it cryptocurrency , bitcoin, forex, catfish/romance sca m.
        You can get in touch via their email { CRYPTOPHASE (@)YAHOO (.) C O M }. Don’t go down without a fight. It’s very important.

  45. I initially invested a total of $1.,050,000 over a period of 5 weeks with my broker. My bonus/profit was $8,300,000, every attempt to make withdrawal failed and I was instructed to make another deposit of $250,000 before I can make withdrawals which I did. Up till now, I’m still unable to make withdrawals and all attempt to contact broker has failed. This is very pathetic and I felt so bad losing my investment. I did a due diligence test before investing with them but guess what I ended up getting burned. This is to create awareness, not everybody can be as lucky as I was. I’m saying this because I was able to recover my funds. Thanks to a recovery specialist, they are private investigator and wealth recovery experts…Contact them via mail for more inquiries , Thought someone might find this information useful.,,

  46. So happy now that I have finally been able to retrieve all my lost funds of about $150k, which I never believed I would get again from an unregulated broker who stocked my trading capital for over 4 months now and denied my access to my trading account. I’m so glad that I have gotten back all my funds back stress free, All thanks to my boss who introduced me to maxive recovery (maxiverecovery__AT gmail__com)

  47. Can the victims of scam get their money back? Yes, if you have fallen victim to scam from an unregulated investment platform or any scam at ll then are eligible to recover what was stolen from you and this can only happen if this is reported to the right people. With the right approach and with evidence, you will get what you lost back. Those behind these unregulated platforms will likely want to sell the idea that what happened to your investment was an unfortunate occurrence when in reality what happened was theft via elaborate means. If you are a victim or you know any one who is a victim of these occurrences, you should know there are people who can help you. Simply search (R e c o v e r y t e m p l e . t e c h) via google just the way it is in that bracket. It is never too late if you have the right information, your sanity can be restored.

    • Good to know there’s hope for victims of scam. Recoverytemple came to aid too.

    • There are only a few people who can do this. I contacted three other recovery teams before a friend recommended recoverytemple tech to me. I successfully got all i lost.

  48. For anyone reading this I want to warn the public as much as possible. A lot of scams,cybercriminals and fraud are destroying peoples lives by stealing and ripping individuals of their hard earned money, destroying organizations causing enormous financial damages to individuals and organizations . Scammers in form of : binary options and forex investment scams , romance and dating scams, Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrency trading and investment scams , mortgage/real estate scams and fake ICOs , ACCOUNT TAKEOVER (ATO) attacks , fake hackers scam , I refer you to the best BEST private investigative and recovery agency out there CALTECH RECOVERY addr. caltechrecovery ATGMAIL dotCOM . This cyber specialist literally saved my life when they helped me recoup all my losses and more from a fake IQ and binary option broker I was in contact with who made me invest over $48,000 in Bitcoin and crypto currency investment over the course of the covid 19 lockdown , I’m glad caltechrecovery saved me from depression as i was at my lowest point ever when this happened . I’m sure a lot of individuals have also lost some amount of money to scammers online , if you are seeking to recover money and crypto currency lost to any form of online scams , reach out to the contact address in my comment and help yourself .I’m glad I found their address on the net. That’s why I’m willing to help everyone out there get assistance from a reliable source

  49. i will advice anyone who intends to trade with these companies to stop and hold onto your funds. I lost a total of $30,000 in 5 days. After doing some research. i found out their systems rigged completely. I was able to recover my funds with the help of a recovery consultant caltechrecovery({a t}) gmail dotcom.

  50. people say binary options brokers are scam, i can boldly say that’s not true because i have been doing a lot of trading not only that, i have been doing a lot of winnings sometime ago a friend refereed me to Caltech Recovery for assistance with their help and their masterclass strategy I’m able to make $15,000 weekly and a successfully withdrawal and also recovered all my lost funds, you can contact them for assistance on caltechrecovery AT gmail dot com

  51. So happy now that I have finally been able to retrieve all my lost funds of
    about $150k, which I never believed I would get again from an unregulated
    broker who stocked my trading capital for over 4 months now and denied my
    access to my trading account. I’m so glad that I have gotten back all my
    funds back stress free, All thanks to my boss who introduced me to
    certified binary option hack 101 at tutanota dot com

  52. To get your funds from a scam broker , you must follow the steps given below: Report to the necessary law enforcement agency.Try to get receipts to back up your claim.Contact Fightingscams(at)aol, com firm because they can help you to get your track your bitcoin and get it back.

  53. For options on how to get recovery of any funds lost to any of the options below;
    1. Binary option scam?
    2. Forex trading?
    3. Romance scam
    4. ICO Scams
    5. Online betting scams
    6. Bitcoin scam
    7. Phishing scam
    or any other kind of scam?

    If in any case you have lost funds to them or any other. I have a good news for you. coin trace is currently recovering funds for all victims. Service delivery is top notch and second to none. Hurry and con ta ct them on info at +447548919371 Whats. app or scamsrescue AT aol DT com

    Thank me later.

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