Your 7-Step Guide to Get Your Family Finances in Order

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In your youth, you are bound to make some mistakes – a couple of them may even be related to money. But once you form a family, it is your responsibility to keep your finances in check, for their sake, and yours. If you feel like you’ve slipped up on your family finances, don’t worry; there are things you can do to get things back on track. Here are some tips from you can use to get your family finances in order.

1. Cut back on unnecessary purchases

First things first – if you are looking to get your finances back on track, you have to cut back on luxury and unnecessary purchases. This includes expensive toys for baby, new shoes for mommy and new gadgets for daddy; at least until you’ve been able to figure out how much you can spend.

2. Set up a budget

Your next step is to set up a budget. This can be daily, weekly, monthly, etc. The idea is to set yourself a reasonable spending limit, because if you go overboard and lean too far into austerity, you will just go over budget every month. Limit yourself to strictly necessary purchases, but be realistic.

3. Figure out your debts

Now, you have to sit down and figure out where you owe money and how much. Did you borrow from family members? Friends? Banks? Prioritise them according to amount and urgency of repayment and try to create a repayment schedule that fits into your budget without taking away from your necessary expenses.

4. Pay off your credit debt

If you have credit card debt, it’s a good idea to pay this one off as soon as possible, if only because the Interest tends to be high. Plus, that money is certainly better spent elsewhere, especially if you have additional debt in other places. If you deal with plenty of debt in a lot of locations, you may consider consolidating your debt.

5. Take out a home loan

With a growing family, space is always an issue. It never seems like it’s enough, which is why you may find that you need a new house once you’ve added to the family. The easiest and most sound way to do so is to take out a home loan. There are several types for all needs and budgets, so do your research before choosing the right option for your family.

6. Save up

Another thing you should concern yourself with is the financial future of your family, and it’s general well-being in case of emergency. The responsible thing to do is to take that into account now and save up for rainy days. A “cushion” like this should have enough money to keep you going for three to six months, in case you become unemployed, disabled, or there is some other emergency.

7. Create a game-plan

Finally, you may want to look into creating a financial plan for the days ahead. What does your family’s financial future look like? Do you know? What steps are you taking to secure your children’s future? This is the time to invest in stock, property, and figure out your retirement plan.

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