4 Savvy Budgeting Tips for Small Businesses

Man with laptop in living room holding a big piggybank

Overspending can be fatal for small businesses. While investing in your company is important, it’s crucial that you are savvy when it comes to spending and try to keep expenditure to a minimum as much as possible. Otherwise, spending more than you are bringing in could spell trouble for your small business’s future. The good news is that there are plenty of cheap or even free alternatives to consider when it comes to pretty much anything that your small business might need. If you’re looking to tighten the purse-strings, some savvy changes could mean that you barely notice the difference—except for the positive difference in your business bank account. We’ve put together some top tips for saving money in your small business.

Shop Around for Utilities:

When it comes to utilities, sticking around with the same company doesn’t usually mean that you are rewarded for your loyalty. And the price of things like gas and electricity are subject to constant change, so what might have been the best deal for your business a few months ago could be significantly more expensive compared to other deals available right now. Shopping around can take some time, but it’s definitely worth it when it comes to reducing business expenses. Use an online business energy comparison tool on a regular basis to make sure that you’re not paying more than you need to, and switch to a different company if you can get a better price.

Buy Second-Hand Equipment:

If you’re just starting out, you’re probably eager to get started with getting all the equipment that your business needs—but don’t move too fast. Sometimes, there’s absolutely no need to buy brand new and getting second-hand or refurbished goods is just as effective, but at a fraction of the price. This is especially true for electronics, which are often available much cheaper when used. If you need basic computers for your staff to carry out admin duties, for example, then you could easily get second-hand or refurbished laptops or PCs instead of buying brand new. And the same goes for furniture; office chairs and desks can be obtained much cheaper second-hand and you can often find them in great condition. Look around for businesses that are closing down, as they could be selling off their stuff at a bargain price, and you can take advantage of it.

Hire Remote Staff:

Remote working is growing in popularity and not only does it have many benefits for the employees themselves, but it’s also a decent arrangement for small businesses. Allowing your employees to work remotely means that you need to hire people that you trust to get the job done, but on the other hand, you can also save a lot of money since you won’t need as large of an office space or as much office equipment to accommodate them. And, studies have shown that employees who are able to work remotely tend to be more satisfied and more productive, which in turn will have a positive effect on your bottom line.


Another way to save money is to avoid hiring full-time employees for every task that needs to be done. A lot of the time, small business owners find that certain tasks aren’t necessary on a regular basis, and in this case, it can be much cheaper to work with a freelancer or outsource the work to another company. Since they’re not on your payroll, you will only need to pay them per completed job, which can work out a whole lot cheaper compared to paying somebody a salary.

There are many savvy ways to save money when running a small business. We’d love to hear your tips in the comments!

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