Using Your Existing Capital and Skills to Earn More Money

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Capital Money 1 e1477069643631

In the current economic climate, everyone is looking for quick and easy ways to make money. Everyone dreams of earning lots while working few hours (preferably from home). However, few pursue their dreams for fear of failure or lack of will.

Below we run through some of the best ways to make money, relatively simply, that can be managed whilst still holding down a full-time job.

Solid Investments


The first point to consider is how to put your money to work. With interest rates as low as they are, there is every incentive to look beyond a simple savings account.

For the mathematically-minded, trading stocks, shares and currencies can be a profitable way to make the most of their money. As the whole Brexit affair has shown, market movements can offer the scope for rapid turnarounds.

Market investment does require some knowledge and must always be conducted on the basis that there is risk involved, but if numbers are your thing, the time spent researching the markets can be painlessly rewarding for years to come.


Across America, Britain and Europe, property is a strongly demanded asset. With finite land, finite resources and a growing global population, property prices are constantly rising. Investing your existing savings into property in areas that are in line to rise in value is a sure fire way to make money.

Whether you decide to become a landlord or flip the property following renovation works, you can be sure to expect a healthy profit. For those looking to take advantage of the weak pound against the dollar, The Open Property Group have created a list of the most lucrative Buy-to-let hotspots in the UK. Well worth a look with the dollar expected to rise against the pound even further.

Capitalise on your blessings

Those of you who are blessed with academic intelligence are well placed to capitalise on your talents. If you derive an intrinsic pleasure from writing, there will be a way to make your leisure time pay. Freelancing alongside the day to day job can be testing, but if it involves something you love to do it really is money for nothing.

There are plenty of companies who need copywriters, it is simply a matter of reaching out and letting them know you are there.

Freelance the love

Those with a gift for graphic art are also especially well placed to cash in on their passions. The demand for original artwork and photography has never been higher. At the same time digital technology means that getting it out there is as easy as it has ever been.

Websites need graphics and lines of code – Freelance opportunities for creatives can be found at bespoke freelance websites – check out peopleperhour or to see just how many opportunities to freelance the love are out there.

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