Tips for Marketing to Your Target Demographic

Tips for Marketing to Your Target Demographic

Marketing isn’t usually a one-size-fits-all situation. Unless you’re a big box store, you probably have a narrow focus when it comes to the customers you’re targeting. Small businesses should take their product and intended audience into account when coming up with their marketing strategies. To help you get the most out of your advertising, we’ve created a few tips for how to market to your target demographic.

1. Know Who Your Audience Is

One of the most important things to know is who makes up the majority of your audience. Coming up with a marketing strategy without this information will be difficult. Some of the information you should collect includes the following:

  • Your audience’s age range
  • What type of social media they use the most
  • Their income
  • Where they live
  • What makes them buy a product
  • Their education level

2. Focus on Local Marketing

If you’re targeting an audience in a specific area, you’ll want to ensure you’re actually reaching it. Depending on your product or service, it may not do you any good for someone three states away to see your ads. If you’re investing in PPC advertising, be sure to focus on important factors such as location-based keywords.

3. Be Relatable

Some people prefer to patronize small businesses instead of larger ones for a variety of reasons. One of these reasons is that they like to know and connect with the business they’re supporting. You want your customers to know they’re interacting with a person and not a faceless conglomerate. Make sure to use language that’s both relatable and understandable in your marketing efforts.

4. Have a Message

People tend to have short attention spans when they’re browsing the Internet or shopping online—they don’t want to spend too much time digging into a company’s website to find out what message, service, or product is being offered. Your ads should grab people’s attention and let them know what you’re about immediately. Keep this in mind when it comes to the images and copy that you use on your site.

5. Know What Your Competition is Doing

We aren’t saying that you should directly copy your competition. However, if you see that they’re excelling in certain areas, try to find out why that is. You can also use this as an opportunity to stay one step ahead of them.

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