The Right Way to Grow a Facebook Fan Page

Person on Facebook Page
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Over 2.4 billion people use Facebook, so it’s safe to say that the social media platform has a wide reach for small businesses and entrepreneurs. With recent changes to the algorithm and a bigger push towards focusing on connection vs. ads, it may seem harder than ever to grow a Facebook fan page. However, it’s not impossible.

The #1 Way to Grow a Facebook Fan Page

The #1 way to grow a Facebook fan page is to make a connection with the audience. Building the like, know, and trust factor is important, especially in a time where people are becoming wary of the stories brands and companies put out. By making that connection and being authentic and open about the business practices and motives, the businesses audience will learn to trust them and follow along on the journey.

It’s nearly impossible for any business to sell something or offer services to someone who doesn’t trust them as a company. It’s why many people continue to have their favorite stores and brands. That trust was built up over time. And the same goes for a social media following. People are going to like and follow who they trust, so it’s important to build that first, before focusing on any other methods and growth strategies.

Strategies to Use to Grow a Facebook Fan Page

While making a connection is the #1 way to grow a Facebook fan page, there are other ways to increase likes, followers, and engagement. Here are five tips that can help any business owner grow their Facebook page.

Know the audience and niche

No matter what a business offers, they don’t market their product or service to the masses. Instead, the most successful companies and businesses create specific products and services that serve a particular audience and niche.

For example, brands and companies like Apple and Red Bull had very specific people and communities in mind when they launched their products. They knew who they were appealing to and what they could offer that market. It’s why their companies, and marketing efforts have paid off tremendously.

And the same should go for any business. In order to grow a Facebook fan page, a business needs to know who they’re catering to and what they have to offer that person or group of people. It doesn’t have to be something extreme. But niching down, for example choosing to cater to stay-at-home moms who want to start a business instead of just women who want to start a business, is a smart move to make.

Post more than just your content

While a business should promote their content, including sales, blog posts, and more, constantly bombarding their audience with their own content is an easy way to lose followers. Instead, take the 50/50 approach. For every item you share about your own business, post another piece of content from someone else.

It doesn’t even have to be a direct competitor. It could be a small business that you admire or a brand that you love. It could be a funny meme that you laughed at or sharing a video that a friend posted. Anything that breaks up the monotony of constant self-promotion is a great place to start.

Offer value

Most people have come across an ad or a post that offered no value to them whatsoever. Maybe it was an ad for straight-sized clothing when the person was plus-sized, or maybe it was a post about raising kids when the person was single and didn’t want kids. Whatever it was, it didn’t offer value to their life.

And most people who come across items that don’t provide value to them either stop following the company or business or talk bad about the company for their failed marketing efforts. We’ve all seen the commercials or marketing tactics that have received backlash from communities because their team didn’t think things through all the way.

And while no business will hit the nail on the head every single time, knowing the niche and offer that niche nothing but value can go a long way. It’s not just about selling. It’s about giving people what they want and need, without forcing that need down their throat. The same goes for a Facebook fan page. Offering value, or posts that resonate with your audience and entice them that they need what you’re offering, is a tool and marketing tactic that can really pay off.

Check analytics

Do you know who is currently looking at or following your Facebook fan page? Is the audience more men or more women? Is it equal? Do you see a trend amongst a certain age demographic? Are many of your fans in the United States, or are they overseas?

Knowing these simple analytics can help not only target the right audience, but also get that audience to like and engage with your page. Finding the right market and the right fans will drive up likes, engagement, and even sales. These are the people that want to work with you or buy what you have, so those are the people you need to market to.

Don’t expect massive growth right away

As with anything, true growth requires time, effort, and strategy. While these tips can help any business start growing their Facebook fan page, it’s essential to remember that time is the most important part of growing a Facebook fan page organically. It does take time to build up trust after all.

However, sticking to these tips and tricks means that when that time does come, these very same people will be ready to do or buy whatever it is your page offers them, because you’ve spent that time to build up a connection from the beginning.

The Right Way to Grow a Facebook Fan Page

There is no super-secret to growing a Facebook fan page. And, unless a business is running ads or spamming, growing a Facebook page won’t happen overnight. But, by being an authentic, trustworthy, and real company and brand, any small business or entrepreneur can find success on Facebook. People like what they connect with. So be that connection.

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