Instagram for Travel Bloggers: 4 Tips to Using It

Person Taking Photo
Henry Marsh / Pexels

Do you dream of having a blog and traveling around the world? It would be best if you first dealt with the social network of the moment. We are talking about Instagram, which has now become essential for entering the world of travel. In this article, we give you some tips on how you can make the most of it for your blogger business.

4 ways to use Instagram for your travel blog

Find your style

To stand out from the rest, you need to be honest and genuine. Get inspiration, but don’t copy. Find your way and try to make your gallery recognizable at a glance. When others see a picture of you, they must immediately link it to you. It would help if you worked on filters, tones, and editing. An unedited photo is a photo left in the dust, depending on the page’s theme. Before moving on to mobile editing, it is important to learn how to use Lightroom (and also Photoshop). Can you imagine how many photos are saved by an expert’s photo editing hand?

Switch up photos in the gallery

On Instagram, two types of photos have dominated the visual storytelling of travel:

  1. Photos of places visited by bloggers
  2. Photos showing bloggers visiting those places

It sounds like a tongue twister, but its reality. Today, you can’t afford to never appear in the photos you post. To do this, you have to alternate your shots in the gallery. One day, post a landscape shot or a glimpse of a city without people. The next day, post a photo of you while traveling.

It can be tiring to mount the stand to take photos on the go or even ask strangers to take a picture of you. However, your Instagram profile will improve over time.

Learn how to use Stories

Instagram Stories can be a real war machine. It helps people get a number of new Instagram followers in no time. Use them regularly, both when you travel and when you are at home. Sharing moments of your everyday life is a nice way to draw people to you. On Instagram Stories, you can use a large number of features. In particular, surveys and questions will help you interact with your followers. Ask them for advice and encourage their participation. When using the Stories, you can notify those who follow you about the publication of new articles. Insert the article link in the profile bio, if you have less than 10k followers, or use the swipe up (“scroll up”) feature if you exceed this threshold. Our advice is to work hard to get to 10k, and it is important for bringing traffic to your blog.

Use Instagram to find ideas for photographs on future trips

When planning a weekend out of town or around Europe, what is the first thing you do? Most people open Instagram and look for ideas for photos to take during those days. Remember, don’t copy other people’s photos. Put your style and your personality in them. In short, try to do better than the Instagrammers you are inspired by.

In this article, we have shared some tips on using Instagram for your blogging activities. What is your relationship with Instagram? Let us know in the comment box!

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