5 Ways to Improve Your Social Marketing Strategies

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Businesses know by now that social media can help them to supercharge their marketing. The problem is, you may not know which tactics to adopt. To improve your social marketing strategies this year, make a start with these five ideas.

1. Use Social Commerce

Social commerce is fast becoming an effective retail avenue for many companies. This trend is showing no sign of slowing down, so it’s time to jump on the bandwagon! Shoppable posts can be implemented as part of a video, image, or longer article. When you use shoppable posts, you’ll speed up your conversions, increase engagement, and boost sales.

2. Try Influencers

According to PR Daily, 82 percent of consumers are highly likely to follow a recommendation made by a micro-influencer or nano-influencer, compared to 73 percent for an average person. Nano influencers have smaller audiences than micros; however, they are less expensive to hire. What’s more, some studies have suggested that their audiences are more engaged. Nano-influencers can help your business to improve brand awareness, establish authority, and increase your ROI.

3. Use CGC

Customer-generated content is a fantastic way to improve your social marketing. Essentially this means any type of content that your customers have created for you. Generally, these arrive in the form of videos and photography, but they can also include blogs and testimonials. The best thing about CGC is that it boosts your authenticity. People often prefer a ‘human’ brand to a glossy and ‘corporate’ one. CGC content can help your company to appear down-to-earth. To encourage your customers to create content for you it can be helpful to offer them a competition and the chance to win a prize!

4. It’s Still All About Video

Video content is the most popular form of content on social media. Your company should seek to produce a range of video types to engage your audience. Perhaps you’d like to try product demo videos, webinars, live streams, or traditional video ads. When you create compelling video content, you’ll entertain and educate your audience; as part of this process, you’ll build trust and credibility. The use of video is currently one of the leading digital marketing strategies out there.

5. Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories are a fab marketing tool; they are cheap to produce and allow you to provide candid and natural content. You might use stories to provide fun videos, embed links, take polls, or quizzes. According to 99 Firms, ‘500 million users now use Instagram Stories every day.’ With stats like these, it’s not hard to see how Stories can extend your reach!

Building a solid marketing campaign is not easy; there are so many different elements to think about. It’s a great idea to work with a professional marketing company to give yourself a competitive edge. Before you choose a marketing company, ensure that you do your research. It’s advisable to choose a service who has expertise within your industry. Whether it’s law firm marketing strategies or restaurant marketing hacks, every industry has different requirements.

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